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Revision as of 02:33, 6 September 2010 by GrungirSmiles (talk | contribs)
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Region Details
Continent Beluaterra
Region Type Rural
Geographic Area Central Lake
Population 13796
Economy Farming, Manufacturing
Realm / Duchy Nothoi / Fronen
Local Lord John Ceallaigh

The southern farmlands of Tindle, a region regularly ravaged in days of old by Hetland invaders, to which mass slaughters occurred at their hands. in days of peace it slowly grew to recover from the heinous crimes of the Hettish. It has always been an integral region to Bara'Khur due to its immense food production, as it is a region mostly encompassed by farmlands. It is also the home to first and only temple of the Sacral Order Of Nyx a new religion and addition to Bara'Khur, paid for and founded by Earl Myrkjartan during the reign of Heroic War King Matt Stafford.

The region is not well known for its troops, the only soldiers currently being trained in the region being those of the "Wolf Brigade" cavalry, though there are many plans to expand a degree of recruit training centres across the region, as well as superior fortifications to defend the populace from any foes, inhuman or human alike.

Culture and Religion

  • Estahsism has been banned from Tindle by Earl Myrkjartan, for fears that it would be used as a tool of oppression and dominion, as it had been in many other regions.
  • Sacral Order Of Nyx is the only religion allowed in Tindle, though there is a presence of followers to the order of druids.