Somra Family/Zakran Somra

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Hair: Short, Brown
Eye-color: Emerald Green
Size: Average, Slim
Other: Pierced right ear
Behavior: Doesn't engage in conversation that often, but isn't afraid to speak out when needed. Doesn't care about what people think of him very much.
Location: Colonies
Social Status: Knight of North Bakker, Noble of Assassins
Relationship Status: Single

With a disdain for most aristocratic pretentions and attitudes, Zakran is a dreamer and idealist. Zakran does however have an ambitious streak, and can be counted to fall upon opportunity whenever it strikes. Zakran has a very democratic view of politics, believing that all men should be treated with a certain degree of respect. While Zakran doesn't care too much about how others view him he does however respect his older brothers' opinions, having a slight hero-worship of Dakrus. Zakran will usually defer to Dakrus's decisions, but has been known to get into frequent arguements with his twin brother Margel. Zakran has a tendency towards anti-social attitudes, but is as loyal and dedicated to his causes and people as his brothers are.

Record of Events:
Relocated from Cagil on Atamara to join his brother Dakrus in the Colonies.