Kalmar Islands/Democracy/Institutions

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Institutions of Kalmar Islands

  • The “House of Lords” - also known as “Administration” Department. It is consisted of the Landed Nobility and the Bureaucrats with responsibilities on the region maintenance and development, as well as on the arrangement of the special details of trading deals. Accountable for proper functioning of the institution are the Dukes.
    Every decision on region development requires the Chancellor’s approval and must be presented before the People for their work to be transparent.

  • The “General Staff” - also known as “Military” Department. It is consisted of the Minister of Defense, the Marshals, the Commanders and an entrusted - monthly elected - representative of the People with responsibilities on the Army maintenance and the fulfillment of the military goals as set being set by the Chancellor. Their main task is discussing strategies and plans till the best one is found. Accountable for proper functioning of the institution is the Minister of Defense.
    The final plan or strategy requires approval of the Chancellor before going to implementation.

  • The “Chancellery” – also known as “Diplomacy” Department. It is consisted of the Chancellor, the Supreme Judge, any former Chancellors that were not overthrown or protested out of office and an entrusted – monthly elected – representative of the People with responsibilities on the foreign affairs of Kalmar Islands and major matters of internal crisis. Accountable for proper functioning of the institution is the Chancellor.
    Every decision taken will be presented before the People for the work of the “Chancellery” to be transparent.

  • The “Tribunal” – also known as “Law” Department. It is consisted of the Supreme Judge, the Public Prosecutor, two Lawyers and an entrusted – monthly elected – representative of the People playing the role of the Guarantor, with responsibilities on the internal unity and the just voting procedures. The Public Prosecutor is the Supreme Judge’s assistant and thus he/she will be appointed directly by the Supreme Judge, the Lawyers are being employed by each party (accuser, defender) whenever a Trial takes part, while the Guarantor is there to guarantee for the validity of the proceeding and thus he/she is elected each month by the People. Accountable for proper functioning of the institution is the Supreme Judge.
    Every outcome of the “Tribunal” must be presented before the People for their work to be transparent.

  • The “Public Finance” – also known as “Finance” Department. It is consisted of the Minister of Finances, the Dukes and the Traders with responsibility on the public wealth and food distribution. Accountable for the proper functioning of the institution is the Minister of Finances.
    Every trading deal and/or major change must be presented before the People for the work of the institution to be transparent.

  • The Council. It is consisted of the Chancellor, the Ministers, the Supreme Judge and the Dukes for the better functioning of the institutions and a good communication link between the authorities. The place where the People can address their complaints and the matters are forwarded to the appropriate institution. Accountable for the proper functioning of the Council is the Chancellor.
    The Chancellor must inform the complainant on whether his/her case is addressed to an institution or not and present the name of the specific institution.