Mannix Family

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House Mannix

History - Born from the Ashes of the Murdoc Family, Brutally murdered by their own family members by the three brothers Rage Seth and Rogue. After killing their family member they set out to create a new family of their own orgins. They wanted to learn a sorcery powers unmatched by anyone has ever seen. This shall be one of the most ruthless family in history. Blood stains their cloths and hair. They have no time for petty insolence... Destruction is their prime nature. They are only loyal to the country they call home. In this case it is Archanon on Far East.

Rage - First brother Protects Archanon with all his might love to stay there and help it prosper and see the destruction of there surrounding kingdoms. He has servere tempermental disorder. He has strenght of 30 men. Favorite unit is Infantry.

Seth - Uncertain

Rogue - Youngest family member. He Serves Yssaria for the time being. He is young and inexperienced. His favorite unit is Archers. His talent in chrisma is very high. He can command and army with ease. He is a natural leader. (he use to be James Murdoc in TuchanonII. He was a judge, Banker, and Leader. He change his first name so he wont be reconized for his past.)


"If the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, then the road to Heaven is paved with honest attempts."

"It is the man gripped by fear, who still stands to face his enemies, that is truly possessed of bravery."

Family Symbole

A bloody rose griped by a fisted hand with blood driping down.

((OOC: played in 2002 from march to april of 2004 quit, then started to play around may of 2005 quit a month later for family reasons, started playing september 20. i have been king, judge banker of Tuchcanon II of atamara and a few dukes glamar of sirion of east cont.))