Hendrick's Descent

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Letter from Hendrick Madigan (26 days, 14 hours ago)

Lord Jeffrey,

No apology is needed, though I was concerned indeed. It puts my mind at rest to hear from you.

On two scores, in fact, am I writing today. The first is a general inquiry after your present health, state of mind, and activity and know if there is anything I can do. A man of your talents and fervor is an asset to the realm and I would see all assets used.

On the matter of faith, the subject of the incursions by the Astroists been broached, as Arbiter Malus has not only converted to their faith, but become a priest in his own right. The stargazers are entering Luria and with them comes threats against Aetheris Pyrism.

Owing to this, with the help of ________, I have begun covertly gathering members of the faithful to serve as members of the Faith Militant to, in the event of threats from the Astroists, rise to defend the Church. I have had this notion for a long time and I have always had a candidate in mind to serve as the Protector of the Faith, commander of Pyrist armies: you. Will you accept this divine task, Brother Jeffrey?

In faith, Hendrick Madigan High Magistrate of Luria Vesperi, Earl of Thar Gortauth, Ambassador of Luria Vesperi

Letter from Jeffrey Norrel (26 days, 14 hours ago) (Personal message to Hendrick Madigan) Your Lordship,

By the grace of the gods I accept. I thank you a thousand times for this. I have for too long wished to serve a noble cause rather than petty Kings; I owe you my greatest thanks for this elevation.

I, too, have long worried about the expanding influence of the stargazers within Luria. Though many would say otherwise, conflict between us is inevitable. They are guided by a foreign and evil dogma that does not even recognize godhood, whilst we are shepherded by the grace of the gods. When you put two bulls into a herd of cows, one invariably kills the other and assumes total dominion. We must assure that our faith is the stronger bull.

Who else among the faithful has been chosen for the faith militant? Furthermore, do the other elders know of this plan?

Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum, Sir Jeffrey Norrel (Lord)

Letter from Hendrick Madigan (26 days, 11 hours ago) Protector of the Faith,

Please, I merely have recognized the will of the Gods in providing you to the Church. Your willingness is an act of providence for the faith and you will doubtless carry out your duty with honor and zeal.

An apt metaphor indeed, one that I could not agree with more. I will not lie, the stargazers have greater numbers, more land, a vast army of nobles - all commonly recognized advantages. But we, as you have said, serve the Gods and in our faith cannot be bested. Let them come to Luria and we will break them. We will best them first in the south and then drive their influence from this world.

______ is your comrade in this, as is ___________. Both are working within _______ to find other candidates for the Faith Militant. Once found, those faithful will be elevated to Zealots of the Flame so as to be recognized before our official unveiling.

The other elders are unaware of this movement. As you recall, their was much trepidation and fear at radical changes within the Church and the fear to adapt and recognize our own power still remains. Lord Torpius and King Bipel will both see the light in this matter, but I cannot condone delaying the organization of our Faith Militant merely because of the other Elders.

In faith, Hendrick Madigan High Magistrate of Luria Vesperi, Earl of Thar Gortauth, Ambassador of Luria Vesperi

Letter from Jeffrey Norrel (26 days, 9 hours ago) (Personal message to Hendrick Madigan) Your Holiness,

I never thought you a man of such fervor. To be sure, I am pleasantly surprised. Indeed, I am somewhat perplexed; you once preached caution to me, while this move is bold indeed. Likewise, you were one of the fathers of the current peace, whilst an active faith militant will surely be seen as a hostile action by our foes. What, pray, was the cause of this change of heart?

Do you believe any Pyrists within Solaria itself might be driven to fight? If so, defection will cause a loss of morale among the heathens. Malus is a paranoid man and if we were to make him see traitors in his midst he might well sunder his domain himself without much prodding on our part.

Do you believe that Tybalt can be convinced to fight, as well? I am unsure of his faith, but I am entirely sure of his greed, and so I am hesitant to presume his support.

I hope that you can convince your compatriots of the necessity of this measure.

Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum, Sir Jeffrey Norrel (Lord)

Letter from Hendrick Madigan (26 days, 5 hours ago) Protector of the Faith,

Whether I like it or not, change is upon us and danger thrust unto our lands. I have fought for peace and architected treaties, yes, but my prime goal in uniting the Lurian Kingdoms was to defend out lands against the Astroists, the enroachment of other nations, and to expand our empire. Indeed, the Confederacy exists in part to spread and defend Pyrism. Caution is one thing, but careful planning and prudent strategy another. I merely play the long game for infinitely higher stakes. Besides, our Faith Militant will not be publicly announced for a time.

I do believe that we might call on the Solarian faithful. Already certain friends in Solaria have contacted me with concerns and I negotiate as we speak. Malus sits on a tenuous throne - while I have learned much from him, I have gained a greater insight into what a ruler must not do.

Far be it for me to speak out of turn, but King Tybalt is not the dominate power in Nova to be certain. And his mind is changable. Besides, he is of the faith, as are many of his nobles. I am not overly concerned.

I ask now that you covertly observe nobles of the faith who you believe would be worth members of our Faith Militant, ones that will join us if the fight comes. Or, as if becoming clearer, if the Theocracy is finally formed.

In faith, Hendrick Madigan High Magistrate of Luria Vesperi, Earl of Thar Gortauth, Ambassador of Luria Vesperi

Letter from Jeffrey Norrel (22 days, 13 hours ago) (Personal message to Hendrick Madigan) Your Holiness,

When do you believe we will be able to lift the guise off of the Faith Militant? Obviously we will need either to convince or suppress the other elders of the faith, but we must needs also ensure that we have the capacity to strike down the infidels before we announce the intent to do just that. Do you believe that there even are enough faithful in the south to make a pre-emptive military strike feasible?

I will do my best to seek out more of the faithful, but I am not overly connected in this new realm and those men of power I knew are now dead, fled, or powerless. Nonetheless, I will do what I can.

On a more secular note, I have come to the conclusion that King Bipel has concentrated power to an untenable degree. He is not primus inter pares. The fact that he is both King and sole Duke and Margrave is, in my mind, quite unfair to the number of more enterprising nobles within the realm. Not that I accuse him of maliciousness; I believe he has not considered the dangers presented by the current state of affairs. I take it you and he are good friends, being related both on a theological and political level. Mayhaps you could convince him to reconsider the current realm structure?

Yours, Sir Jeffrey Norrel (Lord)

Letter from Hendrick Madigan (22 days, 11 hours ago) Protector of the Faith,

I intend to do so in a matter of days. ________ and __________ are preparing to the best of their ability and I am confident the Elders will bow to the logic of the Faith Militant. We have sufficient swords in the South, coupled with fear of the Stargazers, to provide a defense and even a strike. The notion of sending an expeditionary force to Flowrestown was even mentioned, to establish a bastion of the faith, but logistics are complicated.

I understand your point entirely and I share it. Past that, His Majesty has even hindered Lurian peace, to the extent that there was a certain hypothetical plan broached by the Council to, supposedly, remove him from power. I will certainly speak to him, though I wonder what good it will do. Know that should the hierarchy shift, there would be ample position for a man of your talents.

My regards, Hendrick Madigan High Magistrate of Luria Vesperi, Earl of Thar Gortauth, Ambassador of Luria Vesperi

Letter from Jeffrey Norrel (16 days, 7 hours ago) (Personal message to Hendrick Madigan) Your Holiness,

Has there been any progress made in your holy mission?

Yours, Sir Jeffrey Norrel (Lord)

Letter from Hendrick Madigan (16 days, 5 hours ago) Protector of the Faith,

Perilously little. _____ prepares his acolytes at least and ____________________. However, the danger in Solaria mounts. Malus Solari goes more controlling and desperate - but so too does his hold on his lords. The faithful in Solaria owe more to the Church than their Arbiter. More importantly, I have drafted my letter to the Elder and am ready to send it to them. If they dismiss the idea, we will convince them of the righteousness of our cause my any means and if they cannot be convinced, well, all change and progress comes at a price.

How goes your search for righteous and pious soldiers?

In faith, Hendrick Madigan High Magistrate of Luria Vesperi, Earl of Thar Gortauth, Ambassador of Luria Vesperi

Letter from Jeffrey Norrel (15 days ago) (Personal message to Hendrick Madigan) Your Holiness,

I have not found any. As I have said, I know too little of those in Vesperi (and doubtless you have already vetted those who might be useful here). All those I know in Pian who still live are craven or heathens. If you do not anticipate a war in the future, mayhaps I could don the robes of a priest and make a mission either to D'Hara or Fissoa, with the intent of converting some to the faithful, and potentially finding more soldiers for the holy host in the future? If you anticipate crusade in the near future, however, it would be best for me to stay here as a warrior.

Have you sent your proposal to the elders of the faith yet? If either you have not or they have rejected you, what means would you suggest? Removing Bipel from religious power would be fairly easily as his authority is purely political, but nothing short of killing the Prophet would sufficiently disempower him, which I would be loathe to do. Mayhaps we could simply ignore him? He is off in some distant land and I doubt he could do much to prevent the ascension of the faith he birthed.

Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum, Sir Jeffrey Norrel (Lord)

Letter from Hendrick Madigan (14 days, 12 hours ago) Protector of the Faith,

You speak truly. There are not many in our little idyl that burn with the flame of a zealot and while that is disheartening, I am sure that there are many further afield that adhere to that calling. I wish I could give a more definitive answer as to whether the danger is eminent or farther off - every day the Astroist faith grows within Solaria yet I do not know if we can risk open war in these newly peaceful times.

I have sent my letter and await replies. The Prophet is, of course, a man of peace and I owe him my life, but I will not be stopped from saving our faith and our world because of one man's reservations and I am sure he will see the wisdom in our actions.

As for King Bipel, well, he is not merely a potential roadblock in the Church but has been actively impeding our diplomatic work. A representative from Solaria jokingly referred to me as "Bipel's nursemaid" the other day and the sentiment is not shared. Friends in high places have made various offers on that score - a certain High Commander offered to march a army into Shinnen and remove our monarch from power, a lord in Solaria offered the services of a blade of the night, and so on.

I would ask your opinion. For Luria Vesperi to grow and for our faith to strengthen, our lands need a new king. But there is always the matter of the old one. How would you dispense with that?

My regards, Hendrick Madigan High Magistrate of Luria Vesperi, Earl of Thar Gortauth, Ambassador of Luria Vesperi