Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/August '07/The Undead Attack/Part 4

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Dominus Dodges Death

Roleplaying Event
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Ling (37 recipients)
A booming voice is heard saying:

"Heed these words, foolish humans. Your fates are sealed, prolong your wretched lives as long as you want. Heen will be destroyed by our hand at a time of our choosing. No monsters are going to save you. I was in Kif, and took a crypt's tunnel to the outskirts of Ling...I could have single-handedly occupied your capital and split your forces. No matter what you think you know, we will always kill you whenever and however we want.

Flee to another nation if you value your life and have been manipulated by the Monsters and their human servants. We offered Heen a 2nd chance, overthrow your Queen and Deport/Hang her. It fell on deaf ears. Now I know that a few of you have had contact with us, we remember who you are...you are the only ones that have a sliver of chance of saving "Heen" if it really matters that much to you anyway. If not, then refuse to fight, and enjoy your life. Who knows, you may even come to rule this area referred to as "Heen" someday. Why not? We are on the side of Destiny, and you are on the edge of Fate."

--- Small stones rattle as if 500 men were double-timing somewhere in the darkness, towards the West. A few soldiers soil themselves at the thought of having only a handful of monsters at their side, forgetting, that humans (living and undead) are the most powerful beings in the Universe in their respective domains, that when bound together, are unbeatable ---
