Jones Anderson Clan Family/Gewi Gigane Tawodi
Gewi Gigane Tawodi
Physical Age: 29 years
Character Class: Soldier
Honour: 44
Prestige: 15
Gold: 0
Bonds: 0
Status: ok
Paraphernalia: 2 Scouts
Gewi's Role Plays
Gewi's Role Play after the Duel
Sept. 8th, 2006 Duel (13 hours, 17 minutes ago) Gewi Gigane Tawodi (Lord) meets his challenger Fid Lee (Knight of Perdan) for the agreed duel till first blood. Fid Lee has decided to use the 'aggressive' strategy while Gewi Gigane Tawodi has choosen the 'defensive' strategy, giving Gewi Gigane Tawodi the advantage. After a series of blows, Fid Lee draws blood and wins the duel.
Role Play with Fid Lee
Letter from Fid Lee (13 hours, 19 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients)
After a series of blows, Fid Lee draws blood and wins the duel.
Nope... methinks I won. But only the gods know how. Oh no... I think I know too.... after you threw the hand axe you called "Tommy Eagle"? .... and missed.... how did you expect to defend yourself?.
It was very nice of you to let me win Gewi ;)
Fid Lee (Knight of Perdan)
Roleplay from Gewi Gigane Tawodi Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients) Yes It was all me i Let you win. After i blow the Axe past your head. I said screw it.
Gewi Gigane Tawodi (Lord)
Role Play with Hawkmoon
Letter from Hawkmoon (13 hours, 32 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients) Aha!
So that is where this axe came from. Gewi, can I have a word with you please?
~Holding an axe with his left hand and an ear on his right~
Hawkmoon (Knight of Mulhouse)
Roleplay from Gewi Gigane Tawodi
Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients)
Yes Hawkmoon,
You Wanted to see me.
Gewi Gigane Tawodi (Lord)
Roleplay from Gewi Gigane Tawodi Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients) Man Hawkmoon,
I didnt know i had a good arm like that. I sware i through the other way. I guess i was wrong throw it back here
Gewi Gigane Tawodi (Lord)
Letter from Hawkmoon (13 hours, 26 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients) ~ Hawkmoon throws Gewi's axe back to him and it lands in a tree right next to him The log starts to split in half, it opens and the tree lands to the ground. ~
~The left half falls on Gewi's head who does not seem to notice.~
Eeeeh... That's ok Gewi I remembered some things I forgot and I have to get back on my tend...
~ Hawkmoon starts walking the opposite direction from Gewi and just when he get around the corner he starts to run, run with all his four legs. ~
Hawkmoon (Knight of Mulhouse)
Roleplay from Gewi Gigane Tawodi Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients) Gewi Gets Up from fall.
Where is he. Oh know where the hell am i. What happened. My axe is right here but what happened to this tree.
Troop what happened.
Troop talks: My Lord Sir looks like you got screwed by Hawksmoon.
Gewi: No
Trooper: yup Then he ran off on all fours.
Gewi: I always known hawksmoon was a four leged. Now on how to get back at him. Oh i got one. My mother gave me this gift. I kiss my axe and then talk to it quitely. Then throw it back at Hawksmoon. This time it went hit his booty. Then he fall face first in the road
Gewi Gigane Tawodi (Lord)
Roleplay from Gewi Gigane Tawodi Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients) As Hawkmoon tries to get up Gewi rips the axe out of him and and Scalps him. Then he runs off.
Gewi Gigane Tawodi (Lord)
The Pub Role Play
Roleplay from Gewi Gigane Tawodi Message sent to everyone in your realm (143 recipients) Gewi Speaks to his troops.
Troops you wanted to go to the local pub. Well its time to go.
Ok men lets move out.
Gewi walks infront of his Warriors. Well boys heres the Pub have at it. Please dont screw the place up.
One Trooper: My Lord
Gewi: Yes Trooper
One Trooper: I got no money.
Gewi: Well Trooper I guess we both got a problem. I ant got none either. By that time Gewi got pissed off and looked at a one of the people in the pub. Hey Trooper Gewi Said.
One Troop: Yes My Lord.
Gewi: Look at this person right here. Looks like hes been talking about your mom.
One Trooper: Oh he has hu. Ill take care of this. My friend whats your name.
Person Speaks: John
One Trooper: John who
John: My name is John Willabee
One Trooper: John Willabee all hell I know you.
John: Uh you do from where.
One Trooper: From here. I talk to you about a year ago about this time. You talked about my mom then to. This is two two many times. John put your money on the table. you are a ass hole and ill dill with you the right way.
John: uh No i ant talked about your mom. This is as he pulled the money and put it on the table.
One Trooper: The Hell you did. This is as he pulled his club between the bolt and his pants. Im sorry this is gone on to long. John Stand up
John: No
One Trooper: Yes and you will as he pulled him out of the chair and drags him out the door.
Gewi: Oh Know The Troopers gone mad.
One Trooper: gives out a loud war Cry as he Smack the guy in the head with the club. Dang I didnt know i him that hard blood and brains all over the place.
The Towns People: Walk and Look at the bloody mess.
One Trooper: He walks back in the pub orders a glass of water. My Lord.
Gewi: Yes
One Trooper: That was Waiting to happen.
Gewi: Yes it was. Son I think this 20 gold gos to you.
One Trooper: Yes Thank. My Lord heres you a Glass of water to.
Gewi: Thank.
Gewi Gigane Tawodi (Lord)