
From BattleMaster Wiki


This region is a large expanse of grassland. There is major emphasis upon grain farming and cattle ranching. There is one major river that the citizens of the area refer to as simply, “The River”. This river is open for naming by the region lord and much needs one for easy reference. The major town in this region is Norvotia, a center for grain storage and distribution.


Note - This is not be changed by the region lord. Only the Baron of Obando may change these. Anyone found changing their stats will be immediately relieved of their command.

Population - 142

Gold Per Week - 10


Produced (by peasants themselves) - 9
Required - 7

Buildings - 1 Wheat Farm (Level 1), Cattle Ranch (Level 1)

Total Land - 343 acres

Grassland - 196 acres
Forest - 39 acres
Other - 12 acres
Mountain - 0 acres
Water - 96 acres

Desirability Rating - 2

Production Per Week

2 cattle
3 grain

Fortification Rating - 0/50

Peasant Satisfaction - 2/20

Region Lord



None yet.

Supply and Demand

Notes - This can be set by the region lord. Look at the materials page to find materials you can supply or demand. Also write a price that you are willing to buy or sell for.


None currently


None currently

Back Obando Old Rancagua