Springdale Stories/April 1008

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Free to all Nobles From the great new land of Springdale April 1008
Staff: Viscount Harthur Carver, Marshal Malgar Bellmon, Duchess Zyrrin Fallan
April 15, 1008
Yet another recruitment centre in Muspelheim
Blank.png Duke Cato De La Fere has erected yet another magnificent centre in his City. The new centre is by far the best infantry centre in Springdale, with the others been a powerful Special Forces centre and a good, cheaper infantry Centre to help fill the ordinary nobles units. And although the Duchy is small, including only Muspel and Croton, I am sure that all members, including me, are proud to be a part of it. Written by Viscount Harthur Carver
April 15, 1008
An End to the Daemons(Almost)
Blank.png After many days of small battles and heavy losses, the daemons freely roaming Springdale have been almost completely destroyed. Only one small force remains to be cleared out. The daemons have plagued Springdale since Nifelhold became the capitol, destroying infrastructure and killing peasants. Through the hard work of Springdale's three armies, the daemons have finally been pushed back and the regions are being rebuilt. Written by Viscount Marshal Malgar Bellmon
April 16, 1008
Changes for the Empires largest Army
Blank.png Zyrinn Fallan, Duchess of Springdale and sponser of the largest army of the Empire, recently changed a few aspects of the core army of the Empire. Formerly know as "The Noble's Army of Dalia" the name has been changed to "The Sword and Shield".

Sources within the army have told us that the name change was due to multiple reasons. Firstly, that the Empire now extended beyond the confines of "Dalia". Knights from the southern duchy of Aegir, and the Imperial region of Stratford called the army theirs in addition to those from "Dalia". Lastly, the army was no longer a catch-all for all Knights of the realm. Thus the Duchess felt that a name change was warranted.

Also today, the Duchess announced a new Second-in-command of the army. Marchioness Charlotte Grancourt, lord of Aegir's Deep was chosen as the new second. Her reasoning was that the southern duchy of Aegir, a rather sizable portion of the army, needed a commander to take control of soldiers and Knights in the south when Marshal Malgar was dealing with threats in the north.

The Sword and Shield is the largest army of Empire, making up roughly two thirds of the Empires military strength, and boasting over half of the Empires Knights and Dames. The army is based out of Springdale City, the birthplace of the Empire and former capital. The Marshal of the Army is Count Malgar Bellmon, Lord of White Plains, and the second in command is Marchioness Charlotte Grancourt, Lord of Aegir's deep.

The army can often be seen at the front of nearly every battle against the undead and monsters that plague the wilds, or helping the realm maintain its rapid expansion by boasting the most soldiers and some of the largest units within the Empire.

Written by Duchess Zyrrin Fallan
April 28, 1008
South of the Empire is complete
Blank.png Nidhogg's Mark, the last region south of the two rivers that divide what will one day be The Empire, has now been taken. With the first part of The Empire's expansion completed, the realm has secured itself as one of the leading forces on the young continent of Dwilight.

It took quite a bit of time to complete the southern half of The Empire. This was a direct result of the horrible undead and vicious monsters that seem to at times, freely roam about the countryside. However, due to the effort of the realms three armies, the undead and monster threat was put down, at least for the time being. Due to this concerted effort by the knights and dames of the realm, The Empire was finally able to initiate a take over of the last remaining region south of the two rivers.

The regions that had been attacked by the undead and monsters, also enjoyed the time to rebuild with the help of the soldiers of the realm. The Empire is in the best shape it has ever seen, and now looks towards the north and west, to take the riches that lie beyond the mountains, and to complete its destiny of becoming one of the most powerful realms of Dwilight.

Written by Duchess Zyrrin Fallan