Watty Family/Xiahou

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Xiahou was once brought into political and military life, serving as both judge and General of Ubent, but after the dictator was overthrown he left and eventually had enough of such pressures deciding instead on a much simpler life, one in the shadows. Though not the most honourable career his family supported his decision and even helped in funding his training, despite not being too rich themselves.

Xiahou has travelled around many continents and has been a part of many great realms, serving them with the best of his abilities. While serving Old Grehk in Beluterra he managed to climb the ranks of the assasins guild quite quickly, until eventually the responsibility of leading the guild was passed onto him. However it was not long before he moved on yet again, this time to answer a request for aid from a family friend.

He has a certain love of mischief and having fun at the expense of his enemies, something most judges and enemies dont seem to respond to well. Unfortunately age and the fatigue of his travels have begun to catch up with him, but he is determined to prove that he is not 'passed it' yet!

Favourite Quotes from Xiahou:

"Loyalty to those you honour is the most important thing...but having fun comes in a close second!"