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Finally, it looks like we have trapped Oligarch into a corner! We have them surrounded with large forces and have cut off almost all escape routes! I hope to see Old Rancagua back in action soon, as they have made a strategically better move by moving their capitol closer as well, into Kazakh, where they can send army after army to Oligarch. Right now, Oligarch has a total CS of around 22k, including their 6k militia, so around a 16k mobile force is scattered around the regions. But on the other hand, we have nearly 20k mobile forces out in the field! Including Fontan's forces, we have nearly double Oligarch's CS. What we are waiting for, I dont know, but I'm sure General Handow knows what he's doing. From rumors that have been going around, apparently Perdan is suppose to be sending a large force to distract us while Oligarch can get some breathing room, but I see no large Perdanian army anywhere nearby. Oligarch is slowly crumbling, and we will take it sooner or later, but Oligarch might try to pull another trick from there sleeve...
Finally, it looks like we have trapped Oligarch into a corner! We have them surrounded with large forces and have cut off almost all escape routes! I hope to see Old Rancagua back in action soon, as they have made a strategically better move by moving their capitol closer as well, into Kazakh, where they can send army after army to Oligarch. Right now, Oligarch has a total CS of around 22k, including their 6k militia, so around a 16k mobile force is scattered around the regions. But on the other hand, we have nearly 20k mobile forces out in the field! Including Fontan's forces, we have nearly double Oligarch's CS. What we are waiting for, I dont know, but I'm sure General Handow knows what he's doing. From rumors that have been going around, apparently Perdan is suppose to be sending a large force to distract us while Oligarch can get some breathing room, but I see no large Perdanian army anywhere nearby. Oligarch is slowly crumbling, and we will take it sooner or later, but Oligarch might try to pull another trick from there sleeve...
==Feature Story:==

Latest revision as of 18:49, 1 July 2006 The Elven Tribune
Price: Free Circulation
Printed in Sirion City
Contributing Editors: Kid Kirpatrick, Servant of Sirionspace Issue No. 3 April 2006

===Elven Tribute=== News and Events from the great Elven Realm of Sirion on the East Continent Price: Free Circulation
Printed In Sirion City

Contributing Editors:
Kid Kirpatrick, Xypherius Killins, and Tung Pinetree

Last Updated: April 11, 2006

Sirion News:


It was election time again in Sirion and Doc, the long standing Prime Minister, held claim to the title having recieved 43% of the valid votes. The next closest competitor was Sir Circle with 15% and Sir Handow with 14%.
Prime Minister Doc stated just prior to the election that he wishes only to remain PM until the fall of Oligarch, when he will retire. There were some other candidates including our own Editor, Kid Kirpatrick, who recieved nearly 3% percent of the votes, and made his case well known to the realm. Being the youngest of the nobles eligible he hoped that this election would bring some new ideas and fresh perspectives to light.
Rounding out the top ten there was Lady Wowure with nearly 6%, Lady Katia with 5%, Sir Boom Boom with 4%, Sir Graf with 2%, Sir Evylears with nearly 2%, and Sir Fandinia with nearly 1%.
The position of Judge was also available and was won by Lady Wowure with almost 30% of the valid votes.


There have been some recent developments in the war against Oligarch which have improved Sirion's position within it. The takeover of Ashforth and Oberndorf have severly hurt Oligarch's income and have given Sirion the strategic advantage now having a city under their command so close to Oligarch's capital.
There are still some independence movements being sought out as Sirion nobles attempt to raise the production, morale, and loyalty of these two regions. However as things seem to be moving along well, there is still much work to be done as the battles there have damaged the fortifications and many peasants have died.


There have been a number of anniversaries and some soon upcoming. Here they are listed alphabetically:
Adrian - 600 days
Alexander - 1100 days, two days from today!
Andrei - 400 days
Ardor - 300 days
Azran T'alynn - 1200 days tomorrow!
Eledhir - 900 days
Friedrich - 900 days
Jerro - 100 days
Melkor - 200 days
Tyrael - 300 days
Tzarmeister - 1200 days one week from today!
Zarrick - 200 days

International News:

Have YOU Seen This Man?

The Disappearance of OR's King Fuinur Uncovered!

Just over a week ago it was discovered that the former King of Old Rancagua, King Fuinur had left his realm after being held prisoner in Oligarch. Incredibly he had not been tortured by the evil justice, Donna Ragna, but the recent rebellions and unrest had incited in him a desire to leave behind his home and persue a life of adventure and glory once again.
The people of Old Rancagua were stunned and there was a short span of time in which it seemed there would be absolute chaos in store for OR. Thankfully Sir Grig, who had since taken over as Dictator and who was waiting for the arrival of Fuinur to reappoint him as the rightful King, was able to keep things in order. This is the story told from the mouths of those who knew him best.

(Stay tuned for more, as this is a story in progress!)


Sir Grig, the Dictator of OR has committed suicide!
Find out why in two days!

Oligarch Weakens!

In other news, our long standing enemy has begun to show signs of weakness as it's army has begun to lose many battles recently! Aiding this decline is Sirions takeover of Ashforth and Oberndorf and Old Rancaguas retaking of Kazakh, which Oligarch in a desperate move had looted and plundered, trying to gain what they could for the short-term and hurt the region to make it that much more difficult for OR to gain anything from controlling it.
Fontan, dealing with it's own internal issues, is still taking an active role in the war with Oligarch, albeit a much reduced one. It seems that our great homeland is again on the forefront of this war.
By looking at the average income per troop leader from taxes, it can be seen that the realm of Oligarch should not be far from falling as it is no longer able to amass the enormous armies of before. However don't count them out yet! They still have many troop leaders with family elsewhere and have the ability to pull from those sources as well as having allies to their south which may come to their aid. Talks are continuing and the fate of this war rests in the hands of our troop leaders and their continued loyalty, hardwork and dedication.
All here at the Free Sirion Press are with you!

(Expect continued updates!)

Oligarch Surrounded!

*New Update*

Finally, it looks like we have trapped Oligarch into a corner! We have them surrounded with large forces and have cut off almost all escape routes! I hope to see Old Rancagua back in action soon, as they have made a strategically better move by moving their capitol closer as well, into Kazakh, where they can send army after army to Oligarch. Right now, Oligarch has a total CS of around 22k, including their 6k militia, so around a 16k mobile force is scattered around the regions. But on the other hand, we have nearly 20k mobile forces out in the field! Including Fontan's forces, we have nearly double Oligarch's CS. What we are waiting for, I dont know, but I'm sure General Handow knows what he's doing. From rumors that have been going around, apparently Perdan is suppose to be sending a large force to distract us while Oligarch can get some breathing room, but I see no large Perdanian army anywhere nearby. Oligarch is slowly crumbling, and we will take it sooner or later, but Oligarch might try to pull another trick from there sleeve...