The Brokerage/Fliers/Flier 002

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PileOfCoins.png Brokered Deals GenericContract.png
Date: 2022-Jul-16 Issue No.2 Cost: 1 Gold - Free for Members
Events! Tol Goldora: Autarch Now Hiring! Unusual Scholars Offering Bounties for Rogues
Assassins Everywhere
  • Rumors of assassination attempts on nobles throughout Dwilight are becoming increasingly common
  • Will leadership suffer because of this?

Menace in Springdale!

  • Local Doctor Octavius has holed himself up in his clinic with two hostages
  • Local citizen Peter has been on the scene pretending to be a spider and only seems to be making the situation worse
  • Springdale militia arrived on the scene to deal with both parties
  • One hostage is being treated for light burns after Peter threw a strange concoction into the building, screaming "Eat spider webs!"

More From The Far East Trading Company

  • The Notorious Far East Trading Company has been seen in several ports delivering rare goods
  • Traders are being accused of feeding the ikrif supply chain in several regions.

Is your neighbor a daimon?

  • Probably not
  • Classes are being offered at the Royal Rangers Guild on how to tell a daimon apart from a regular monster, and what to do if their true forms begin to induce madness

Bloodmoon Fruit Returns

  • Rumors of shipments of Bloodmoon Fruit and Bloodmoon Wine are circulating in several underground circles
  • Strange rituals of sacrifice have been witnessed by locals in Linhai reminiscent of the days of Asylon
Spectacle Sales

The Autarch's newest business venture is spectacles! She wishes to see how well the market does when it can see! Primary clients are infiltrators and prospective infiltrators. Don't worry if you can't find them, they can't find you either!


  • Must be confident
  • Must be able to lift more than 1 stone
  • Must be willing to work nights around noble estates

Salad Skimmers

The Autarch is looking for new hires to use nets to collect unwanted vegetables for a healthier populace.


  • Females only
  • Must be willing to wear traditional dancer garb
  • Ability to discreetly move about
  • Ability to resist the intense gaze and demands of influential priestesses
Head of Staff at the Autarch's Palace in Muspelheim
The Astrum Fish Exchange
Did you return to Libidizedd and think, Holy Mackerel, I caught a lot of fish? Are you hungry for the taste of the sea, but nothing in your haul strikes your fancy? Visit the Astrum Fish Exchange in Libidizedd!

We take all fish from all traders. Trade those three bass for a tuna! Expand your knowledge! Buy straight from the fisher folk without the merchant markups!

The Astrum Fishers Guild
Petrice's Beauty and Cosmetics
Not feeling like your best self? Are you living like Under Darfix and want to both look and feel like you're Over Darfix?

Come in to Petrice's Beauty and Cosmetics where we have all the latest in makeup and creams to rejuvenate mind, body, and soul! Turn heads, turn carts, and start wars for your beautiful self!

* Warning: Beauty Products do not fix personalities or guarantee the attention of others. Positive effects are only seen when applied properly
~ Petrice XOXO
Bottle scaled.png Strange Scholars throughout Tol Goldora are offering bounties to anyone willing to provide specimens of rogues, both living and dead. Anyone capable of providing three or more living specimens will receive double the reward. Turn in is at the local bounty halls. Any questions asked will result in a friendly chat outside in the alley.
Secondhand Swords Announces Sister Shop
Lose your hand in a duel? Need to show that annoying mentor that the high ground means nothing? Come down to Secondhand Swords' sister shop, Third Hands!
* Stock changes regularly.
* All purchases are subject to the rules and laws of your realm.
* We do not provide necromantic arts or magics.
* Discount models available with some assembly required.
Courtesy of The Torgue
Clizre jzcmvi zj rmrzcrscv rk wrzi dribvk giztvj. Xvk r uzjtflek zw pfl befn kyv grjjnfiu.

Nv riv rcjf vogvtkzex r wvn iriv jnfiuj fnevu sp grjk yvifvj wfi kyv rmzu tfccvtkfij.

Visit The Torgue in Muspel!

Today's lucky number is 17.

Black Spot.png