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**The auto-abdication limit is 5 days for council positions, 7 dukedoms and lordships. Auto-pausing is set to 14 days.
**The auto-abdication limit is 5 days for council positions, 7 dukedoms and lordships. Auto-pausing is set to 14 days.
**Any time limits imposed on characters should keep this in mind. For example, if a knight has not responded to a letter threatening to be kicked from their estate for a week, the Lord ''must'' wait at least 7 more days(for a total of 14 days, which is the auto pause timer) to be sure the knight has logged in before acting on the knight's inaction.
**Any time limits imposed on characters should keep this in mind. For example, if a knight has not responded to a letter threatening to be kicked from their estate for a week, the Lord ''must'' wait at least 7 more days(for a total of 14 days, which is the auto pause timer) to be sure the knight has logged in before acting on the knight's inaction.
** Short periods of inactivity (see the auto abdication limits) are well protected under this rule. This means that if a short term issue arises, it is a violation of the rules to hold someone to being in game right then and there to deal with it. When we say "not interacting" or "not fulfilling basic duties" we mean over long periods of time, like 10 days or more for a council memeber.
** Short periods of inactivity (see the auto abdication limits) are well protected under this rule. This means that if a short term issue arises, it is a violation of the rules to hold someone to being in game right then and there to deal with it. When we say "not interacting" or "not fulfilling basic duties" we mean over long periods of time, like 10 days or more for a council member. Furthermore, a council member that is "bench warming" does not excuse anyone to break Rule #1. Always give time for the player to respond to accusations of bench warming.

Revision as of 20:49, 7 July 2021

The Rules

Like any game, Battlemaster has a few rules to it, mostly to keep the community from killing each other. Really, most rules can be summarized as: Treat others like you would want to be treated (Don't be a dick).

There is the Social contract, and Government Rules. The Social contract is a summary of all of rules players follow, detailing acceptable behavior for a good game play environment. It is broken into a few parts, each of which are discussed at length below the summary of each concept. The Government rules are meant for those that take a Dukeship, or a Council position (Ruler, General, Judge, Banker) in the game, and are related to certain buttons associated with those positions.

When someone breaks the rules, the Titans are called, to discuss guilt, and pass punishment on the player in question. To report potential violations, go to Messages, and on the far right there is a link to "Contact the Titans." Should you have any questions about a rule, please bring it up politely on the forum (Case Archives > Questions and Answers), on Discord (!titans <message>), or in an email to admins (mailto:community@battlemaster.org). More information on the Titans can be found here: Titans_and_Magistrates.

How this document works:

This document is set up in layers for your convenience. When you begin play, the only thing you really need to read is the headers to each expandable box. Each header has further, expanded information below it, as bold text, and then that bold text is further expanded below each statement. As time goes on, and especially as you gain more responsibility within the game, we do expect you to read and understand the bold text, but the information below that is really only for clarification, edge cases, and explanation of a rule's purpose.

The Social contract

There are seven tenets of the Social contract. These rules have been put in place as OOC fun preserving tools, and they serve to ensure that everyone can play the game the way they like without having to worry about things that are OOC fun destructive. Each point is laid out in detail below.

https://wiki.battlemaster.org/wiki/Inalienable_rights < parts of this page?

Government Rules

Furthermore, after the Social Contract, there are several rules that really only apply to those that have the buttons to break them. While we recommend all players read these rules, they are only relevant to those that hold the associated buttons. Dukes need to read this section as well as council members, as they have buttons that are referenced in this section.

Mechanical limitations

  • Realm mergers are illegal. Realms may surrender to another, including annihilation of their lands, but they may not merge as equal entities on friendly terms. Realms that are too small to exist (under 20 nobles) are excepted from this rule, and may merge into another realm with prior Admin approval.
  • Strategic capital moves are prohibited: While this section is in the Social Contract, it bears repeating. This means moving one's capital for the purpose of closer refitting times in a war. Moving a capital to a central region of the realm or for roleplay reasons (historical, realm named based on capital name, removing a rival duke's power base, keeping a rival duke close by to be watched etc.) are acceptable.
    • This includes strategic secession. Creating a new realm, through secession, in order to circumvent recruiting-in-capital-only restriction is prohibited. Friendly secessions are okay.

Fair play

  • You can't win BattleMaster. Don't try: While it is certainly understandable for one's characters to have ambitions of ruling the world, and very tempting to try to remove every last ounce of uncertainty in your realm's situation, forcing other realms on the continent into situations where they cannot realistically pose a threat destroys the fun of the players in those realms, and amassing enough power and allies that you can dictate terms to an entire continent destroys the fun for everyone there but you. BattleMaster is a game, and most of the fun in it comes through conflict and uncertainty—the closer the conflict, the more uncertainty, and, generally speaking, the more fun. Peace terms that would cripple a realm, or make it impossible for it to pose a threat to other realms, are the clearest violations of this rule.
  • Avoid Cheaters and Abusers: Do not encourage or tolerate cheating and abuses of the game rules in your realm. If you learn of any cheating going on, immediately inform us privately. If you are certain, then report to the Titans. Dealing with cheaters and abusers is one of your responsibilities as a government member.


  • Fun is Your Responsibility: As leaders of the realm, it is your responsibility to look out for the fun of all members of your realm. Even in internal conflict, it is your responsibility to ensure that all parts of the realm are enjoying themselves. Do not actively suppress player attempts to engage one another in the interests of asserting your dominance over the realm.
  • Try to Guide, Not Order: This is a game, not the military, even if it simulates a martial society. Try to guide people. Do not micromanage. Work with suggestions and help and leave people their autonomy. A strict hierarchy of orders and blind followers is more efficient, yes. It also causes people to lose the fun and leave the game.
  • Play Within the Game Background: You are playing a noble in a medieval feudal society. Your conduct and behaviour should fit to that background, and as a leader you should very much encourage others to follow. Most importantly, the world of BattleMaster is not a militaristic one, and blindly following orders does not befit a noble. Engage the other players instead of just passing out orders.
  • dont hide things