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=Silvan family Tree=
=Silvan Family Tree=
  Tolerin Silvan - Great Grandfather
Tolerin Silvan - Great Grandfather
  Sarah Lynn - Great Grandmother
Sarah Lynn - Great Grandmother
                  Thomas Silvan Wife - Sila Vetorin
-Philip Silvan(deceased) Heath Silvan Wife Celest Batlith(both deceased)  Sarah Silvan(never married)-
                                      Thessan Silvan
                                      Kitiara Silvan
                                      Kuhr Silvan( Mother Lesell Thorbin deceased)
=Family History=
Part I - Reality Sets In (The Childhood of Thessan and Kitiara Silvan)
Thomas Silvan Wife - Sila Vetorin
Part II – Life’s First Lesson (Thessan’s first experience as a soldier)
Part III –The Meeting (The Brothers meet)
Part IV – Wandering Ways (Kitiara sets out for the first time)
Part V - A Grandfathers Tale (Thessan discovers a diary[coming soon])
Philip Silvan(deceased and never married)
Part I – Reality sets in
Sarah Silvan(never married)
“I can not imagine anything else”.  Heath Silvan could not control his emotions any longer, and it showed.  As a knight of the realm and heir to the family fortune he had become stoic, to stoic for most.  His men all respected him.  His leadership and swordsmanship skills had been proven countless times in battle, but none knew him as friend.  Kuhr considered this a necessary part of the life he was given, and he embraced it to a fault.
Heath Silvan Wife Celest Batlith(both deceased)
“Can it be that I have finally seen what I have been looking for”?  Celest had loved Heath from the moment she saw him.  Sadly she had feared him as well.  The emotions in her were almost uncontrollable.  As the daughter to a nobleman she had been taught to remain in control and show little emotion, but in Heath’s presence she failed miserably.  Her greatest fear was that she could only love him and he held his feelings for her so close that for many months she could not know the fate of her heart.
“I love you. Yes must be the answer”
Thessan Silvan
As a child I was told this story many times.  It is that of true love.  Unfortunately stories and reality never tell the same tale. 
Kitiara Silvan  
Shortly after they wed the story of my family really begins.  My older sister Kitiara has given me permission to tell the tale.  We both believe that it is honorable and necessary to do so.  Family secrets are weakness to those who hide them and a lesson for those who embrace them.  I know not the lesson in this, but for me, it must be told. 
I am Thessan Silvan the second child of Heath and Celest Silvan.  My older sister and the person most responsible for my upbringing is Kitiara.  I have a brother, well a half brother.  Our relationship is complicated.  All will be told here, at least all that I can bare to tell. 
My Father, well that is the twist in the story.  He loved my mother truly.  He also loved his brother.  When my Uncle was slain not in battle, but in a meaningless act of thievery, my father grieved for some time.  He was so used to holding back his emotion that, well, he could not handle it.  He found the bottle and in it his redemption.  For my mother and my sister of 7, it was a curse.
He functioned well for the few years following the death of his brother.  The bottle however was taking its toll.  His men were beginning to lose his respect.  This made matters worse.  My father had no friends and cared not to show weakness to his wife or daughter.  He fell further into the bottle.  One night as he was doing police work for the noble family of Thorbin, he fell into the arms of the nobleman’s daughter.  This act of transgression was discrete and only occurred once.  However this night alone marked the downfall of my father and my mother.
My father felt such regret that, for a time, he left the bottle.  Soon after that day, my life began.  I remember my father when I was a child of 2.  Unusual for one to hold memories of that age so strongly, but for me they are the only memories I really want to have of my father. It was on the 3rd anniversary of my birth that we had a visitor.  Lesell Thorbin.  She was the mark of my father’s recovery and on this day the mark of his downfall.
The Thorbin family had come under hard times due to some badly placed loans and business ventures.  When it became apparent that she might not be able to feed her child, she came to see my father. 
The child was turning 4 the same day as I was turning 3.  This was made more unusual by the fact that the male child was known as Kuhr Silvan.  He was my half brother, brought into this world on the night of my father’s transgression. 
As one can imagine I have very poor memories of the rest of that day.  Needless to say my father denied the claim and sent the mother and child off.
Though my mother claimed she believed my father’s denial, that was so obviously a lie.
They pretended all was well for a few days, at best.  Soon my father claimed urgent business and left for a few days to attend to it.  He returned 2 weeks later.  Drunk.  He could not live with the actions of 4 years before nor could he live with the act of abandoning his child.  So the bottle gave him the strength to continue the lie to his wife and to support, through discrete means, his son.
My mother loved him, but even that love could not cover up the anger that grew inside her.  The next several years were almost absent of any real parents for me or my sister.  Kitiara cared for me and trained me as she had once been trained by our father.
The training was intense.  I think it was our way of escaping. 
We knew loving parents once but now during the times my father was around he was drunk, and my mother was constantly showing her growing distain for him.  In my father’s absence, my mothers self pity made her distant and seemingly uncaring.
Kuhr Silvan( Mother Lesell Thorbin deceased)
Such was our life until my 15th year.
My father left on one of his business trips and never returned.  One month later my mother sought him out.  He was with Lesell. This was all she could bare.  She took up my father’s sword.
She was not trained as was my father, and I believe he could have easily disarmed her.  I also believe he could no longer live with the man he had become.  By my brother’s account of the act, my father stood there and waited.  As my mother drove the blade home he said his last words “forgive me”.  Maybe if he had the strength to say those words sooner the day might have been different.
My mother stopped all support to my brother.  She became seclusive and left all matters to the servants.  About two months later my mother took her own life.  No note was left, or any word spoken.  I stumbled onto her body about 5 days dead.  No one had even tried to find her, not even her children. 
She passed and was buried next to her husband with little notice except to me and Kitiara.
Part II – Life’s First Lesson
We were now in charge of the estate.  It was a task that my sister did not want.  She soon left and took up her cause for justice.  She was then, and always will be, my moral compass.  I however took the role of running the estate with zeal. I had nothing else to do. I also raised some men and began policing work to earn more money for the family. 
I had learned well the use of a blade and the laws of the land.  One thing I had never known, and was about to learn, was that even my life had taught me very little of the world.
One night as I was policing a nearby territory I was summoned to assist in the arrest of a group of thieves stealing grain for the stores of a local nobleman. I met up with the local police and joined his forces under his command. 
A reward was posted and paid dutifully to a local businessman who had knowledge of the location of the thieves. 
It later became known that the businessman was the mastermind of the thieving ring.  Taking part in its creation, taking a large part of the earnings, and paying an even larger part to the local police.  I was a complication.  I was asked to join the hunt by the local magistrate.  Something that made their little plan difficult.
Upon arriving at the location and entering the barn, the scene became clear.  I was looking at squatters. Men, women, and children that the businessman wanted removed.  They would do as thieves.  I was to slow in my realization of what was happening.  My men were under attack from the police.  Somehow I and one of my men managed to survive.  Fortunately the innocents fled in the chaos. Little did I know at the time that my brother was there to witness my actions.
I was wounded and all but one of my men dead.  However, I knew it was for the right reason. Innocent lives were saved.  I also began to understand the true nature of the world. 
In two days time the message to my sister had been received, and she soon returned. 
The local police had placed a bounty on my head for the murder of several of their men.  Ironic that the men I lost were so quickly forgotten.  Something I would soon correct.
My sister knew well where to find me.  We knew what must happen and the trap was set.
While my sister contacted the magistrate with a tip as to the whereabouts of the supposed thieves, I hunted down the squatters.  I asked them for assistance in clearing my name.  I was met with thanks from all but one man.  From him I was met with a sword.  I was armed but not expecting a fight.  It was not clear why I was hated by this man, but I soon would learn the truth.
My life was his.  In my wounded state and with the act of surprise I was lost.  My life was saved by a single utterance that explained all.
“Kuhr Silvan lay down your sword”
My brother halted his actions, but remained ready to strike me down.  As he was considering his actions I saw two things happen. 
A local bounty hunter had followed me, as I was wanted alive the bounty hunter took aim at my brother.  I noticed him but I was to late.  Lesell, however, was able to save the life of her son at the cost of her own. 
In his grief my brother was stunned into inaction. The bounty hunter closed in on us all.  I was able to save the life of my brother again that day. 
I later came to know that he was there the night I defended the squatters.  I had saved the life of all of them including my brother and Lesell. 
He cast his blame on me for a moment.  That changed quickly.  I later came to find out that as she died she asked something of her son.  Simply, to know the family that his father denied him. 
We came to agree that the local police was to blame.  At that he was with us when the trap was sprung.
My sister had led the police to the location.  Instead of squatters or thieves the police ran into my sisters well trained forces.  My sister was able to convince the leader to reveal the truth of the matter for the sake of his life.  Soon the corrupt police and the local businessman were executed for murder.  My name was cleared and my brother was home.
My brother now runs the Estate, and I have joined my sister in the search for justice for those who can not seek it themselves.  As for the relationship between me and my brother, that I believe will be explained another day.
Part III –The Meeting
“Thess wake up” Kitiara was usually very stoic, but unlike her father she let her emotions be a part of her life.  She saw in her father the price of holding everything in.  At this moment that wisdom showed through.  The sound of her voice was firm yet carried a gentile tone that showed her love of her brother. 
“Kuhr … what happened to him” Thessan could hardly speak.
“He is here, eating down stares as we speak” That same tone was still in her voice.  That tone showed love for a brother she had only seen once many years before.  A heart that understood her family was too small already, and could not bare to shut anyone out.
“Lesell …. Did she make it“?  Thessan was coming around now.  He was at home in his room.  Pain was in every muscle.  He was wounded before his run in with the bounty hunter.  Now even though he had managed to survive, the damage was done.  The wound would take weeks to heal.  Thessan had been asleep for 6 days under her sister’s care.
Kuhr had almost ended his own brother’s life.  When his mother died he went into a rage and directed it toward his brother. 
“You will pay for this Thessan” yelled Kuhr.  He was so stunned at the loss of his mother that the comment was almost impossible to understand.
“Kuhr… I did not know I was followed…. I….I… am sorry”.  The events of the last minute were still setting in.  Thessan had, in that moment, met for the first time his half brother.  Unfortunately the bounty hunter that had followed Thessan did not care who it was, but only wanted to make sure that the bounty was his.  When Lesell sacrificed her own life for that of her son Thessan had little time to think. As the bounty hunter closed in, the wounded Thessan drew his sword.
Thessan was tired, wounded, and reeling from the events of the last few days.  The bounty hunter however showed no fear.  Clearly experienced in collecting on bounties, Thessan was out matched.  Healthy and rested his chances were slim but in this instance no one would have given him a chance against his enemy.
In the few seconds that passed as they drew near each other, the balance was moved clearly to Thessan.  The rage of a child who felt abandoned, and had for the first time met his brother and the woman who he felt was responsible for his parent’s downfall, created something Thessan would instantly fear.  The pain and insecurities of his childhood welled up in him for the first time in his life.  The person, who could give him answers to his father’s life away from him, was dead.  The brother he never knew wanted him dead as well.  That moment Thessan felt a rage that is impossible to explain, a rage that saved his life. 
With the sword of his father in his hand he struck at the bounty hunter.  The strike was simple and almost clumsy.  The bounty hunter prepared to block the blow and strike at his mark.  The block that he had used so many times before failed him that day.  The rage with which Thessan had swung his family sword was so strong that the bounty hunters blade was shattered into pieces.  He had only a fraction of a second to know true fear as the Silvan family sword cleaved his skull in half.
“I will see you dead” was all Thessan remembers hearing from his brother before the darkness fell upon him.
Fortunately for them both Kitiara had gone to check up on her little brother.  She managed to stop Kuhr.  Her love of her half brother might not have been enough to stop her from killing him had he succeeded in his attempt on Thessan.
As Thessan slept, Kuhr had time to take in everything that had happened leading to the death of his mother.  He had spent his life fighting to survive on the streets.  He knew the worst things people were capable of, and had developed a great ability to judge character.  He almost instantly respected Kitiara.  After he spent a couple of days by himself in grief he allowed his sister the opportunity to explain the recent events.
Kuhr was still angry for a few days, but he understood the truth of the matter.  He had witnessed his brother almost give up his life fighting to protect innocent strangers.  He found truth in the story Kitiara had told him and he respected the person his half brother was. 
Kuhr came to visit Thessan for the first time after he finally awoke.
“Good thing I have bad aim.” Kuhr said with a half smile.
Thessan paused for a moment to take in the sincerity of the statement.  He began to laugh.  Which was a very painful thing to do. 
They all three spent their time together for the next couple of weeks.  Thessan and Kuhr were there when Kitiara brought the corrupt police to justice.  Kuhr watched, with almost no emotion, as those who were responsible for the death of his mother were tried and executed. 
Soon Thessan was well enough to take over the care of the estate.  Kuhr had moved into his rightful home, and Kitiara soon left to continue her work bringing peace and justice to the realm.  Thessan taught Kuhr everything he could.  He was soon able to care for the estate.  As positions opened on the estate he was also able to employ some of his friends in need from the street.
This is when Thessan took his place among the troop leaders of the realm.
Part IV – Wandering Ways
Kitiara left the estate in Thessan’s hands as soon as she felt he was ready for the responsibility.  That was something she wanted little to do with.  Thessan however took to the duties of running the estate with zeal.  After her mother had finally ended her misery by taking her own life Kitiara set out in the world to find her way.  She traveled first to Riverholm.
==[Family History]==
There she found herself acting as a police force.  It was what was needed.  It also was something that she desired to do.  There had been a larger number of infiltrator activities including the murder of several local business owners.  This was causing general unrest as well as economic impact on the town. 
“Marcus hurry up and prep the men we are on patrol tonight” said Kitiara to her first in command.  Marcus was very good at his job and well respected by the men.  He was also deeply in love with Kitiara something that he was a little ashamed of.  He felt that those emotions were dangerous in battle, and he would prove himself right soon enough.
Kitiara was openly fond of men and found their company when she could.  She was attractive but not exceptionally so.  She possessed that hidden quality that seemed to pull men towards her.  Sometimes even if they were otherwise engaged.  She knew this and used it to her advantage.  Kitiara was even able to get better pricing in the market, and even talk well trained soldiers down on their pay requirements.  She was bold but somehow not arrogant or cocky.  Marcus admired all of those qualities.  Kitiara was not aware of Marcus’s feeling towards her.
“This is another boring patrol” sighed Kitiara.  She was looking for a little action this night. 
Part I - [[Reality Sets In (The Childhood of Thessan and Kitiara Silvan)]]
“Careful what you wish for” said Marcus as he was scanning the side streets.
Part II – [[Life’s First Lesson (Thessan’s first experience as a soldier)]]
Suddenly a loud scream was heard from the alley.  The men entered to see what was happening.  What they saw was disturbing. 
Part III – [[The Meeting (The Brothers meet)]]
The screams were coming from a little girl of maybe 10 years.  The child had discovered her mother dead in the ally.  The scene was horrible.  The woman had obviously been beaten and raped before dismemberment.  The entire patrol stood stunned for a moment.  Kitiara led the girl away and comforted her until the local police responded. 
As Marcus was examining the area he noticed that the blood was relatively fresh and tracks were visible.  The men set out to follow the trail and see if they could find the assailant.  Shortly the trail ended. 
Part IV – [[Wandering Ways (Kitiara sets out for the first time)]]
The men saw someone in an ally and entered to see if they were alright.  He was not, but this time they stumbled on the assailant in the middle of dismembering another victim.  There were a group of 10 men watching and directing the murder.  They all wore the robes of the dark god.  They saw us and did not even hesitate to draw their swords.
In the battle several men were wounded on both sides.  Marcus and Kitiara were the last two in the patrol able to fight, and they were outnumbered.  Kitiara was small in stature even for a woman, but her speed and accuracy with a blade made her a formidable fighter.  Combine that with an unusual strength for one so small and she was deadly.
Marcus was less skilled but still a formidable opponent. 
At the fight was nearing its end there were 3 attackers left.  Kitiara was fighting 2 and Marcus was fighting one.  Marcus was stunned by his opponent.  Instead of taking advantage the murderer wheeled towards the larger threat.  Kitiara was now fighting against three men and of course would not last long.  She had been able to use the small size of the alley to her advantage against two, but the third was already behind her.  As he closed in Marcus, in an attempt to save Kitiara, threw himself between the third assailant and Kitiara. 
His act was foolish and clumsy.  He had enough time to engage him, but his feelings for Kitiara had clouded his judgment.  He was able to kill his opponent but took a mortal blow himself. 
Kitiara was able to defend herself against the two remaining assailants.
When the battle was over her thoughts went immediately to Marcus.  This was something unexpected.  She had not realized how much she had come to rely on Marcus.  She would later admit that she was fond of him as well.  She cried over him that night.  She had never even cried over the death of her parents. 
Kitiara returned home for a short time.  She felt safe in the company of her brother.  Soon she grew restless and continued her wandering ways. 
She returned to Riverholm to raise more troops and take her place among the troop leaders of the realm.
Part V - [[A Grandfathers Tale (Thessan discovers a diary[coming soon])]]

Latest revision as of 23:26, 29 March 2006

Silvan Family Tree

Tolerin Silvan - Great Grandfather Sarah Lynn - Great Grandmother


Thomas Silvan Wife - Sila Vetorin


Philip Silvan(deceased and never married)

Sarah Silvan(never married)

Heath Silvan Wife Celest Batlith(both deceased)

Thessan Silvan

Kitiara Silvan

Kuhr Silvan( Mother Lesell Thorbin deceased)

[Family History]

Part I - Reality Sets In (The Childhood of Thessan and Kitiara Silvan)

Part II – Life’s First Lesson (Thessan’s first experience as a soldier)

Part III – The Meeting (The Brothers meet)

Part IV – Wandering Ways (Kitiara sets out for the first time)

Part V - [[A Grandfathers Tale (Thessan discovers a diary[coming soon])]]