Selemnir Family/Alaina

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Alaina is the young dauter of the late Feldric Selemnir, and an unkown woman. She was brought to Abington as a babe in her father's arms and was raised in the family estates in Riverholm, where she was schooled in grammar and etiquette, as well as the arts of statecraft and swordplay. She showed proficiency with twin blades at an early age, and had many hours in which to practice. Her existance was hidden from the outside world, and she was confined to the family estates because of the seedy nature of her birth.

Upon the death of her father, Alaina set out from Riverholm in search of a path of her own. With barely a word, she boarded a ship with her most trusted guards and departed Atamara.

Alaina soon found herself on the shores of a distant land. A land where she would find love, compassion, and ultimately sorrow.

The Far East

Upon arriving, Alaina fund her way to the brother of her father's most trusted friend and ally, in search of a friendly face to help aquaint her with this strange land. What she found was much more. It was not long before she found herself falling for the young noble, a one Maltheo Olik. The pair hit it off almost instantly, and Alaina was enraptured.

Unfortunately, fate had chosen for Alaina a lover whose political life and addiction to seemingly supernatural substances made for a dangerous existance. Mere months after joining the realm of Lunaria Alaina found herself on the move, joining the Commonwealth of Antoza, where Maltheo had secured them safe harbour.

Alaina's political turmoil was not at an end. She soon found herself following her stoic companion to the seceeded realm of Anacan, where she was to face some of the most difficult challenges of her young life. She served faithfully as Countess of the small region of Ansopen, and later as Banker of the realm. However, these duties, along with Maltheo's commitment to the religion of Communionism meant that their relationship came under great strain, and while still passionatly in love the two found little time to spend together. And then the war started.

In a campaign to return the seceeded realm to the Commonwealth, a coalition was formed that brought the LEague of Anacan to its knees. Always putting his beliefs before his safety, Maltheo challenged King Valius, commander of the invading forces, to a duel which would claim Maltheo's life. Broken with despair, Alaina challenged Valius to mortal combat, but both were to survive with serious wounds. As she lay recovering, Valius was slain in yet another duel.

Upon learning of Valius' death, Alaina seemed to have snapped. Robbed of her love, her only purpose, and now her vengeance, she was a broken, seemingly hysterical woman, seen ranting and raving the few times she was spotted outside of her private chambers. She soon abandoned her positions, abandoned her faithful men, and fled.

Accomplishments and titles to date:

  • Countess of Ansopen

The Lady Shade

Little is known of what became of Alaina. Some reports say she took her life in the forests of Ansopen, while others claim she hired a boat on the coast, and was lost at sea. However, though unconfirmed, some claim to have seen a slender cloaked figure with twin shortswords, similar to those borne by Alaina, somewhere in the South East. Few have seen this woman's face, as she keeps it hooded at all times, but the slender figure and soft voice seem consistant with that of the missing noblewoman. The mysterious is known as The Lady Shade.

Whether or not this faceless woman is Alaina Selemnir, the fact remains that the young Alaina who set out from Abington did not survive her trials in the Far East. She has severed all contact with the rest of the family, and assuming the worst, a small funeral service was held for her at the family estates in Riverholm.

Accomplishments and titles to date:'

  • Countess of Dwamon