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8 moons before

  • Arcaea controls whole of the northern FEI

4 moons before

  • Arcaea starts to crumble


  • Sartania secedes with Niel as capital, Lady Sedira is first pontifex. Irneas, Mraulaxmon, Nocaneb, Irneas, Tapiliez join Sartania.
  • Troop leaders from afar join Sartania. Sito elected Paladin Primus (General), Janomash elected as Fiduciary (Banker), Balin appointed as Haruspex Maximus (Judge).
  • Arcaea refuses to acknowledge Sartania as a realm, wants Orbeh and Mraulaxmon for peac, WAR continues.
  • Highland Empire and Sartania become allies.
  • Nocaneb is taken over by Arcaea, Rebellion in Arcaea - Yarah procalims himself new imperator. former ruler Serko leaves and eventually joins Ethalia.
  • Rebellion in HE, Sir Jon proclaims himself Ruler, and takes up title El Presidente. former ruler Yarrick and Amelia flee. Sir Jon lowers relations to neutral with Sartania.
  • Tapiliez lost to Arcaea, Arcaea mismanages Tapiliez and it revolts to HE.
  • Irneas revolts and goes rogue.
  • Lacolus appointed Count of Orbeh, Gheros appointed Countess of Mraulaxmon.
  • Irneas takeover begins.
  • Lord Lacolus defects to Arcaea.

1 moon after

  • Lady Sedira Steps down owing to internal pressure, Lady Gheros is elected
  • Irneas re-inducted and Lord Sparticus appointed Count of Irneas.
  • Lord Letho appointed Count of Orbeh, Lord white Assassin appointed Count of Mraulaxmon.
  • Lasanar aids Arcaea in its war with Sartania.
  • Highland Empire and Sartania join into alliance.
  • Lasanar withdraws after pressure from other realms and Sartania threatens war.
  • Minor skirmishes with Arcaea, Arcaean armies loot, plunder and rape in Orbeh and Mraulaxon - production is damged but no irreversible events occur.
  • Yarrick mocks Sartania, other realms discover his plans to secede and Lasanar becomes the eye of storm.

2 moons after

  • Tuphos is Takenover, increasing Sartania's wealth.
  • Arcaean King Yarah is captured in battle of Orbeh, Demon is elected new king of Arcaea.
  • Yarah strikes a deal with Sartania to resolve issues by next moon day.
  • Arcaea begin TO of Orbeh.
  • TO stopped in Orbeh.
  • Yarah pays ransom and is released by sartania.
  • TO of Apasur succeeds, same day Tuhpos revolts.
  • Demon owing to internal pressure steps down, Yarah re-instated.
  • Yarah breaks deal with Sartania. [ Note: Arcaean King Yarah denies that it was a deal! ]
  • Arcaea starts another attempt at TOing Orbeh.
  • Sir Jon of Highland Empire dies in battle.
  • Arcaeans insult Sartania and the Lady, Yarah apologises.

3 moons after

  • Sartania loses Orbeh to Arcaea.
  • Apasur goes rogue because of lack of food and since its disjointed from the rest of the realm.
  • Sartania rejects Yarah's peace deal
  • Sartania starts TO of Tuhpos again
  • Xbeaon secedes from Lasanar forming, Kaltaran.
  • Tuhpos TO suceeds
  • Arcaea begin TO of Mrau
  • Tuhpos changes loyalities to HE
  • Brutal TO in Mrau stopped by Sartanian forces.
  • Arcachon declares war on Arcaea, Sartania take advantage of situation - begins TO of Nocaneb - TO repelled. Sartania retreats to Niel - Arcachon men loot Lantzas.

4 moons after

Highland and Sartania reduce diplomatic relations to peace Arcaea and Sartania end hostilities, sign peace treaty Arcaea and Sartania become allies Tuhpos TO begins, and suceeds.

5 moons after

  • Lady Gheros appoints Lady Gwaentheril, Marchioness of Tuhpos... Tuhpos's is under Sartanias control for 3 weeks before it rebels
  • Lady Gheros invests 250 gold in Tuhpos, it rebels soon joing HE
  • Lady Gheros holds festival to mark rise of Sartan. Tournament with 44 contestants, is a marginal success - Lord Valion wins the tournament.

6 moons after

  • Sartania in hibernation mode, saving for a rainy day
  • King Einar to wed with Arch Priestess Hoshi - festivities in Iposez
  • Sartania pays its debt to Arcaea

7 moons after

  • Sartania buys Tuhpos from HE - Tuhpos now is stable, but has 50% productivity
  • Apasur goes rogue, Sartania will now TO it.
  • Grand Lodge of Lunaria is formed from a secession of Soliferum.
  • PoZ declares war on Svunnetland.

8 moons after

  • Ethalia takes advantage of war between Lasanar and HE
  • Osiric wounded, Lord Gor succeeds - completes TO of a HE region.
  • Peace treaty signed between Lasanar and HE.
  • Sadi ousted in a rebellion, he goes down without a fight
  • Lord Gor cautioned by Sartania, threatens war.
  • Ethalia and TA declare war on Arcaea, Arcaea retreats from Ethalian region, TO of Lasop averted.
