Rowley Family

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Revision as of 08:27, 6 February 2008 by Rowley (talk | contribs) (Tying this in to the historical defeat of Fallangard.)
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Disclaimer: To begin with I plan to use this page to sketch out some basic details of the Rowley family. Primarily, it is to give me a framework for in-game roleplay. Over time, as I fill in details, it may become more entertaining. Until then, expect fairly two dimensional cliches instead of the character details you might have been hoping for. I'm always open to suggestion if you think you can improve on the Rowley family history.

The Rowleys are an ancient and powerful family, originally from the eastern cities on the East Continent. They fought battles, lead nations, and accumulated incredible wealth. War broke out, and the family took refuge in the city of Isadril during a lengthy siege. In the end, it was Bram Rowley that betrayed the city, and Fallangard, for the promise of power and safe exit for his kin. The gates were opened in the night, and nobles and peasants alike woke to the sound of screaming, as the enemy razed the city killing everyone.

The Rowley family was not spared the ensuing slaughter. The first act of the new government was to behead Bram publicly, as a traitor to his people. From the more than three score members of the Rowley family, only Lucan with his wife and infant son were able to sneak out as the thick black smoke billowed through the streets and blood ran through the gutters. They secured passage on a ship headed to Atamara to create a new life, and escape the shame that would follow the Rowley name into the history books.