Order of The Storm Maid

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Litany to the Storm Maid

Keeper of the Tempests, who rides on the storm-heads singing her glories in the gales and breezes that rustle through the trees,

Storm Maid, hear us.

She who guards the hinterlands and holds the Fimbul-Winter at bay,

Storm Maid, protect us.

Keeper of oaths, She hears the whispers of man and maid as they pledge their troth, She seals the pact when knight swears fealty to lord,

Storm Maid, watch over us.

She whose breath brings life and whose fury brings destruction,

Storm Maid, be with us.

She who touches the earth with swift lightning, and the soil grows fertile, the seed sprouts when the harvest is sown,

Storm Maid, nurture us.

She whose mighty voice is heard across the sky, protector, defender, keeper of life and death whose sigil and purpose is most mighty,

Storm Maid, guide us.

The Storm Maid