Old Rancagua Press/21st December 2005

From BattleMaster Wiki
gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue No12 21st Decmeber2005
Printed In Oroya
Avamar Walls Breached!
Last night, just as the sun was setting. A combined army of Sirion, Old Rancagua and Fontan. Marched on Avamar city. Many were veterans of the seige of Karzakh only weeks ago. The Defenders of Avamar, with a few Oligarch Allies, looked on in disbelief, as thousands of men took up their positions on the battle field below. Scribes were seen running between the units, giving out last minute orders. Quanto, Marshal of the Army Of Fontan, Takes command of the attacking troops. Sir Amraedil, Marshal of the army of Avamar takes command of the defender forces. The walls of Avamar are high, after years of threat of this day, the defenders have built them up strong. With a single order Quanto, starts the battle.

Hundreds of arrows are let loose, cutting great swaths in the attackers formations, men rushed forward, dragging and pushing seige engines into place. Some unwieldy cavalry from avamar, rush forward and get cut down in the unstopable tide of men. The attackers crash upon the walls like the sea upon a cliff face. The attackers keep good order, but one unit refused to die, Thumbelina of Avamar, held the attacking forces at bay, her men refusing to go down without a fight. But alas the numbers were not in their favor.

With arrows flying over their heads, the attackers managed to get 50 seige engines to the walls, allowing the troops to climb up and fight hand to hand. Hundreds of men, on either side were on the crowded walls, fighting for theri lives, trying not to fall to their deaths. many of the attacking unit were pushed back, but some managed to gain a foot hold to allow others to advance without trouble. The battle flowed back and forth, with neither side gaining any signifiacant advantage. Until the weight of the attackers, proved to much for the defenders to cope with. the surviors of Avamar, realiing the day was lost took flight and headed for the city. With Sirion, Old Rancagua and Fontan troops in pursuit.

After the battle one of my repirters managed to catch up with a TL from Sirion, Quote from Ju "I was one of the 6 first squads to scale the walls and fought there untill the end. It was bloody battle every turn my men fired bows for ~150 dmg then used polearms to deal ~ 250 dmg in close combat, so according to that i estimate ~total 2k dmg was delt. Somehow only 2 of my men were killed, i say it was pure luck or perfect quality of Parm defenders MI which my squad consisted of. I wish I was a Hero"

Just one testimoney of the 173 TL's in the battle.

The day over, the scribes went about the grusome business, counting the dead and wounded.

The final Strength of the troops are:

Total: 116 attackers (2448 Inf, 542 MI, 1124 Arch, 291 Cav, 123 SF)

91 defenders (1307 Inf, 890 Arch, 24 Cav)

Total combat strengths: 51344 vs. 24620

1 neutral observers (94 combat strength).

Casulties List
After the largest battle ever to take place in the East Continent, probly the world, the causulty list are as follows.

Nobles: Darky of Avamar Status: Wounded Adrian of Sirion Status: Wounded Aeron of Sirion Status: Captured Quin Wah of Oligarch Status: Wounded Malice of Avamar Status: Wounded Petrus of Avamar Status: Wounded Doc of Sirion Status: Wounded Quanto of Fontan Status: Wounded Night Ocean of Sirion Status: Captured Araia of (Sermbar?) Status: Captured Ammeria of Avamar Status: Seriously Wounded Janus of Avamar Status: Wounded Bertrand of Avamar Status: Wounded Big Bad of Avamar Status: Captured Mais of Fontan Status: Wounded Mao of Avamar Status: Captured Thrump of Oligarch Status: Seriously Wounded Naira of Avamar Status: Seriously Wounded Asdrubal of Sirion Status: Seriously Wounded Idem of Avamar Status: Wounded Ayashi of Avamar Status: Killed Jaguar of Old Rancagua Status: Wounded Mick of Avamar Status: Wounded Lalakis of Avamar Status: Seriously Wounded Sparky of (Viseu?) Status: Wounded Amraedil of Avamar Status: Captured Merlin II of Avamar Status: Captured Goliath of Sirion Status: Wounded Gender of Avamar Status: Wounded Tarklos of Sirion Status: Wounded Bladesinger Status: Captured BarbaYimelos of Avamar Status: Wounded Jimminy of Avamar Status: Wounded Nanatsusaya of Avamar Status: Wounded Kristof of Fontan Status: Wounded Brutist of Avamar Status: Wounded Glargh of Avamar Status: Wounded

Troops: Avamar: 1165 Oligarch: 65 Old Rancagua: 188 Sirion: 476 Fontan: 267

2nd Battle Noble Caulties: Awen of Avamar Status: Wounded Cyrus of Avamar Status: Wounded Fionn of Avamar Status: Wounded Saruyama of Avamar Status: Wounded Peinalas of Avamar Status: Wounded Bogie of Fontan Status: Wounded Nerudaneth of Avamar Status: Wounded Vincent of Avamar Status: Wounded Nis Status: Captured Donna Ragna of Avamar Status: Wounded Alientina of Avamar Status: Wounded

3rd Battle Noble Casulties: Hamin of Avamar Status: Wounded Hail to of Avamar Status: Wounded SansTort of Avamar Status: Wounded Kolya of Avamar Status: Wounded Paris of Avamar Status: Wounded Blood of Avamar Status: Wounded Takeo of Avamar Status: Wounded Kamenos of Avamar Status: Seriously Wounded

Many thanks to the Scibes and Nobles Abigail and Loquan for collecting the infomation.

A Duel For Honour!
At dawn today two nobles duel'd, till death. Sir Darfix, Baron of Sermbar met Awen (Knight of Avamar) in the square of Avamar. After many blows back and forth, Sir Darrfix, managed to get in a good strike on Awen. Although it was a fight till the death, Sir Darfix, sheathed his sword, proclaiming that he was not a murderer and enough blood had been spilt already.

Final results, Sir Darfix Wins.

Is Armageddon Round The Corner?
You may have heard rumors and stories about the end of the world as we now it being at an end. We, at Old Rancagua Press HQ, have also heard these rumours. From across the continent strange men have been preaching things, this one from Avamar where the great battle took place: "Rumours are spreading quickly throughout the land, that a crazy old man is preaching of doom and destruction in Sirion Castle. It appears that a small cult has sprung up around him quickly, and his visions sound strangely truthful."

Another from a day ago: "Rumours spread around the island. Strangers mumble weird tales in the local pubs. The priests are silent, but unusually busy. Something is amiss."

What is happening? Is this The God Toms way of saying Merry Christmas? Happy New Year May be? Only time will tell.