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*The primary faith of the realm is The Order of the Golden Feather. The other accepted religions within Old Grehk are Daishi and Church of Humanity. No religions against the interest of our realm are accepted. Religion is a personal matter, you may believe in your Gods but when it comes to serving the realm you believe in Old Grehk and Old Grehk alone. Anyone discovered to be an active follower of a faith that has been declared blasphemous or one that goes against the ideals and principles of Old Grehk shall be punished severely.
*The primary faith of the realm is The Order of the Golden Feather. The other accepted religions within Old Grehk are Daishi and Church of Humanity. No religions against the interest of our realm are accepted. Religion is a personal matter, you may believe in your Gods but when it comes to serving the realm you believe in Old Grehk and Old Grehk alone. Anyone discovered to be an active follower of a faith that has been declared blasphemous or one that goes against the ideals and principles of Old Grehk shall be punished severely.
*While a faith has been given a lawful presence within Old Grehk, their right to exist shall be respected. It is forbidden to forcibly remove/sack/close down any temples or religious structures that are in place. Violating this law will not be tolerated and be dealt with accordingly.
*All underground activity is forbidden, anyone found guilty of actively participating or assisting in an insurrection against the monarchy shall be charged with high treason and face immediate banishment.
*All underground activity is forbidden, anyone found guilty of actively participating or assisting in an insurrection against the monarchy shall be charged with high treason and face immediate banishment.
*All nobles have the right to freedom of speech and to express their opinions within reason. Any noble who uses the public forum to create dissention and unrest amoung the nobles of the realm shall be dealt with accordingly. If you do not agree with a decision made by the Council of Lords or have a grievance, please contact either the Lord Chancellor, the Emperor or the Council of Lords to have the matter resolved.
*All nobles have the right to freedom of speech and to express their opinions within reason. Any noble who uses the public forum to create dissention and unrest amoung the nobles of the realm shall be dealt with accordingly. If you do not agree with a decision made by the Council of Lords or have a grievance, please contact either the Lord Chancellor, the Emperor or the Council of Lords to have the matter resolved.

Revision as of 06:39, 19 September 2012

The Laws of Old Grehk

Originally compiled by former Lord Chancellor Marcus Turner

Maintained by the current Emperor and Chancellor

Welcome to Old Grehk !

Please read the bulletins upon your arrival. It will help you to understand the diplomatic situation of our realm along with important military information and allow you to become familiar with our laws. If you feel you need help, please pick a mentor or ask the Council of Lords any questions you may have. We're always available to help out those in need.

Old Grehk is a Monarchy and has a chain of command just like every other realm. The hierarchical structure of Old Grehk is as follows:

  • The Emperor/Empress, the monarch of Old Grehk
  • Prince-Regent, fills in for the monarch until the Emperor/Empress is able to return to their duties.
  • The Lord/Lady Chancellor who writes, maintains and enforces the law
  • The Lord/Lady General, military leader of the armed forces
  • The Lord/Lady Treasurer, looks after the financial matters of the realm
  • The Dukes/Duchess, responsible for overseeing and maintaining their respected duchies

Laws of Old Grehk

  • The primary faith of the realm is The Order of the Golden Feather. The other accepted religions within Old Grehk are Daishi and Church of Humanity. No religions against the interest of our realm are accepted. Religion is a personal matter, you may believe in your Gods but when it comes to serving the realm you believe in Old Grehk and Old Grehk alone. Anyone discovered to be an active follower of a faith that has been declared blasphemous or one that goes against the ideals and principles of Old Grehk shall be punished severely.
  • While a faith has been given a lawful presence within Old Grehk, their right to exist shall be respected. It is forbidden to forcibly remove/sack/close down any temples or religious structures that are in place. Violating this law will not be tolerated and be dealt with accordingly.
  • All underground activity is forbidden, anyone found guilty of actively participating or assisting in an insurrection against the monarchy shall be charged with high treason and face immediate banishment.
  • All nobles have the right to freedom of speech and to express their opinions within reason. Any noble who uses the public forum to create dissention and unrest amoung the nobles of the realm shall be dealt with accordingly. If you do not agree with a decision made by the Council of Lords or have a grievance, please contact either the Lord Chancellor, the Emperor or the Council of Lords to have the matter resolved.
  • If you are not an Ambassador of Old Grehk or an authorised representative, contact with a ruler or a leader of a foreign realm requires consent from the Council of Lords. If you are discovered to be in communication with an enemy realm, especially during a time of war you will be charged with treason and face banishment from the realm. Treachery and disloyalty will not be tolerated in Old Grehk.
  • Looting or hanging of rebels without offical orders are expressly forbidden and will be punished accordingly.
  • Inappropriate language against your superiors or comrades, insults or vulgar expressions will not be tolerated and immediately punished accordingly. There are more mature and civilised ways of communicating with your fellow nobles. Any disputes are to be brought before the Lord Chancellor for resolution.
  • If a noble has been reprimanded and they consider the punishment unfair, said noble always has the right of pleading their case before the Council of Lords. The Council of Lords shall consider the plea and make a unanimous decision on the matter. The judgement of the Council of Lords will be final. This law does not apply to those banned for high treason.
  • Under no circumstances shall a member of Old Grehk attack or harm another member of the realm. Such actions will be punished on a case by case basis in favour of the victim.
  • All nobles of Old Grehk shall obey all orders issued by a superior or from the Council of Lords. If you do not follow orders or disobey, you shall be punished accordingly.
  • All members of Old Grehk will give up any unnatural scrolls (those that could bring demons, the undead, or other foul creatures to our realm) to the ruler.

Region Claims

  • The appointing of a regions lord is the sole provence of our monarch. The Dukes can also request and make suggestions of nobles to the Emperor for region appointments if they so wish. Under no circumstances from this point forward (19/07/2007) will the purchase or the attempted purchase of titles be tolerated. A first offense will be subject to a hefty fine and repeat offenders will be banned for their lack of respect for our government and laws.


Dueling shall be permitted if the following are observed:

  • You have no active duty to attend to.
  • Old Grehk is not in an active war.
  • The Lord Chancellor has not declared the outlaw of dueling.

Region Maintenance

  • All Lords are responsible for the maintenance and productivity of their region. They are to ensure there is ample food to feed the peasants, productivity is at optimum levels, authority control is sufficent to control the populace, tax income is distributed amoung their knights. Lords are to ensure their region is assigned to a duchy of Old Grehk within fourteen (14) days of their appointment.
  • Apart from the Emperor, all Lords are answerable to the Duke of their respected duchy.
  • Region Lords are to ensure their knights have their estates set accordingly for their region. Lords are responsible for assisting in financial aid for enlarging estates if necessary to improve productivity or control of the region. They are also responsible for making sure that all military personnel are assigned to the Grehkian Legion.
  • If a Lord is having difficulty with maintaining or supporting their region, they are to contact the Council of Lords immediately and request assistance.
  • If your region maintenace has deteriorated vastly and you have not requested assistance, you will be brought before the Council of Lords to explain your actions. If an insufficent reason or justifable excuse for your negligence is not presented, you shall be fined accordingly and face removal of your Lordship.

Food Distribution and Sales

  • Ultimately, the distribution and sale of the realms food supplies rest with the Lord Treasurer. He is responsible to ensure all regions within Old Grehk have an adequate food supply and that the peasants are not starving. The Lord Treasurer shall determine the price of food sales within the realm that region lords are required to adhere to. The Lord Treasurer will also act on behalf of the realm and oversee sales of our food between Old Grehk and other realms.
  • No region lord shall sell food outside of Old Grehk without permission from the Lord Treasurer.
  • Region lords are required to sell food internally at the price that the Lord Treasurer sets. Any lord not following the internal price structure outlined by the Treasurer shall be brought before the Lord Chancellor and face punishment.

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