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The Greater Gods

Ice Queen:
Goddess of: Luck, Fate, Time
-Possesses understanding of all things, her gaze sees all and knows all
-Known as the capricious goddess. Prayers to her may be rewarded, ignored or punished as she sees fit
-Very rarely interferes in the world, but when she does great and terrible things happen
-Considered the head goddess by Man
-Often speaks in prophecy making her difficult to understand

Wolf Lord
God of: forests, harvest, animals
-A harsh god who despises the weak believing in survival of the fittest
-Makes his home in the dark forests where men dare not tread
-Prayers to him are a waste of time. He feels that if you have to ask you don’t deserve it. But grants boons on those who show merit.
-Strong ties to order in general, but uncaring about the laws of Men
-Often loses his temper with the Dark Mistress

Dark Mistress
Goddess of: shadow, fire, death, civilization, knowledge
-opposed the other gods and taught the first colonists the secret of Incendia, an ever burning source of warmth which saved many humans and Fertilis enabling fields to produce a bounty with but a few peasants. Not to mention the existence of the Old Gods
-master of death, shadow and fire long before the coming of Men
-often associated with knowledge and civilization because of all the gifts she gave to the colonists
-Lives in a great mountain fortress where she oversees the world

The Lesser Gods

Crystal Maiden
Goddess of: Oceans, Life, Love, true goddess of knowledge
-usually remains aloof from the affairs of mortals
-prefers to keep to the depths of her oceans in thought and occasionally watch the land from a distance
-prayers to her are likely to go unnoticed, but blessed is thee who gains her favour for thee will be truly happy
-in this harsh land, she goes mostly unnoticed as the seas remain untamed to this day
-is not known to be the goddess of knowledge by men as she keeps mostly to herself

Masked One
God of: Sun and Moon
-usually remains removed from the affairs of mortals
-his gaze is unwavering being made of the sun and the moon allowing him to sea many things
-prayers to him are likely to go unnoticed, but trained seers can divine mysterious knowledge from his portents
-often at odds with the Emperor Bolten because his radiance drowns out the stars

Emperor Bolten
God of: Stars, navigation, travel
-meddles with mortals on occasion for his own amusement
-prayers are useless but offerings are sometimes effective
-often the cause of travel delay and troubles at sea
-often at odds with the Masked One because the sun and moon overshadow the stars