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Xaphan rose from the hard sleeping mat in the Torenic barracks and stiffly began the series of exercises with which he greeted each new dawn. Astaroth had set the original form, but Ikalak’s influence had altered the routine, so there where enough moves to increase suppleness as well as to maintain strength.
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After half an hours Xaphan’s body gleamed with sweat and the sun had newly risen over the distant fortifications of Toren Stronghold. He took up his sword and began the routines he had learned as a boy in Batesaor so long ago. The simpler forms turning into more complex strikes, dance like in quality.
The routine had so long taken form in him as to leave his mind completely free, providing him with time to consider the “Biethen problem”.
Xaphan had always been a soldier, he had known no other life. The calling of arms, he followed in boyhood. He had sought no other. Caring not for himself, for his selfish or vainglorious purpose but for them. Keenly conscious of the fallen comrades-in-arms around him; a bond surpassing that which he had known in life, bound him to them a hundredfold.
Diodorus Exiled, death himself in war armour, moved among the Torenic and Kailian Squirrels. No words exchanged, none needed.
Xaphan smiled as he lowered slowly into a lunge that ended with his sword extended, Astaroth would disapprove with any move that meant leaving contact with the ground but the leap was spectacular and skilled.
The silence of dawn was broken as the soldiers broke ranks and began to prepare for the morning wash. The temporary barracks had been sited near a Torenite river, its beginning lost among the snow capped tops of the mountain. Swearing was always to be heard each morning as they bathed in the icy cold, there was always a bathing room nearby with a fire to heat the water but it had become a point of pride for the men to see there officers dare the cold with them.
Xaphan left the heated barracks, the stronghold sheathed in mist with the grey sea shining at its southernmost mouth. As he strolled to the river’s edge, Xaphan saw Diodorus had newly risen before him and was standing naked on the bank. Rubbing himself vigorously to revive his frozen flesh, the young officer grinned at Xaphan. Diodorus was a stereotypical "angry young man". He's found his cause, and now he will fight for it - and he enjoys the carnage caused. He's a smart guy, raised to be a bureau or a trader, but more interested in military strategy and tactics, the family trait. He long enjoys the rush of adrenaline and the thrill of battle, and won't change that any time soon. His former liege Amadeus instilled into him loyalty towards his realm, and he serves in memory of that.
Both men became still as they sighted movement near the fortress, in the distance the smudge of moving men was to far away to make out details and Xaphan resigned himself to a quick plunge and scrub as to be ready to receive them.
Diodorus was already pulling on his clothes and tying the straps of his armour that gleamed with oil. As Xaphan waded gaspingly into the water, the alarm was being given around camp of the approaching units.  Bearing the cold in tense silence Xaphan ducked under the surface, numbing him in moments. He panted sharply as he came out and accepted a towel.
“Now who could be joining us out hear, I’m not due to report for another three days” Xaphan told Diodorus as he turned around.  Diodorus and Xaphan watched the approaching column of soldiers and both of them searched there conscience for past transgressions, exchanging only a brief baffled glance.  The units they commanded formed a double line and Xaphan took pride in there bearing. They where disciplined and most important hand picked squirrels, the best of the best. Diodorus had been a invaluable factor in the militaryisation of Squirrels, allowing such innovations as the “Burning Squirrel Trebuchet” or the “Flame-retardant Burning Squirrel Archers”.
At the head of the approaching soldiers, Xaphan noticed Celina herself riding on a black horse. Exceptionally attractive and a first-class warrior to boot, Making Xaphan wish he had brought his customized armour.  He had yet to find a way of thanking her for her help with his rather unfortunate balding problem, but a few thoughts came to mind as she approached on her gelding.
Celina reigned in only a few feet from their rigid figures that waited for her. Captains cried a halt to the column. She then dismounted with her casual care and Xaphan noted again the quiet calm of the women that was so different than many others in front of a partially naked unit.  Battles won by her were triumphs of strategy and economy. She never wasted men on pointless actions, but still had one of the greatest records in Ikalak.
“Duke Xaphan” She inclined her head in greeting.
Though his title was officially duke everyone here new the job description was really Dictator, a title Xaphan embellished. Xaphan let the silence stretch a little longer before greeting Celina by her own title.
“Octimus has given these men to your command, Duke” Celina continued.  Xaphan hid his pleasure at the formalities as he replied.
“Your recommendation is valuable, then you have my thanks”.
“It was indeed by my recommendation that these men where spared for your needs, But I am sure you realise Octimus has other advisers and it seems he has been reminded of your success”.
Xaphan considered pushing a little further, Celina sounded almost suggestive with her tone of voice.
He wondered if the advice to use his abilities had come from within Octimus’s house.

Latest revision as of 20:17, 8 March 2008

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This the story of how, after Amadeus's disappearance and Xaphan constant Squirrel fiddling caused a massive uprising in Bieth. (I am writing this like a novel/story let me know what you think. The story so far:)

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