NeoSartania/Constitution of NeoSartania

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Article I

Government System

Article II


Article III

Governmental Magistrates

Article IV

Requisite Council(s)

Article V

Judicial System

Article VI


Article VII

Landed Nobility

Article VIII


Article IX

Feudal Hierarchy

Article X

Military Hierarchy

Article XI

Noble Conduct

Article XII

Civil Rights


Article I - Government System

  • We must make it clear we are a theocracy with the ruler elected once by an equal vote of all nobles, the judge appointed once by the ruler and the general and banker elected monthly by equal vote of all nobles. -- Selene
  • NeoSartania is the successor realm of the old Sartania, created by the Sartanian nobility to revive the realm of Sartan. A realm where only the His will matters, and where we can freely practise our believes. Therefore NeoSartania will inherit the governmental system of the former Sartania, and is and will be a theocracy until the end of time. Within the theocratic system, the ruler is expected to be most pious and provide example in spiritual matters for the rest of the realm and shall be elected for life, with under his/her direct appointment the judge. The banker and general however will undergo elections after every period. -- Roberd

Article II - Religion

  • The Church of Sartan must be the official religion and no other faiths may be permitted to preach in our land or build temples. Nobles are free to worship as they wish but the highest rank a non-believer can be permitted to reach is Vice-Marshal. -- Selene
  • NeoSartania is a theocracy under the divine guidance of Sartan, the God of War. Therefore, it shall act by the grace of Sartan, and its rule is subordinated to Sartan, as only His divine will matters. The realm of Sartan is home of all the faithfull where they can freely abide by the teachings of Sartan and preach the word of Sartan as the Church of Sartan is the only tolerated religion within NeoSartania. All other religions, not recognized by the Church as evil, are welcome in NeoSartania to seek refuge. But for their ignorance and disbelieve, they are not true of mind and spirit to be bestowed with any form of authority or responsibility within the realm of Sartan, neither shall they practise their believes in public, nor shall they preach the word of other Deities than Sartan. Those who do preach the word of other Deities defy Sartan. They are heretics and blasphemers who try to let us stray from the true path. They should be removed from the lands of Sartan, never to return. -- Roberd

Article III - Governmental Magistrates

Article IV - Requisite Council(s)

Article V - Judicial System

  • The judge to try and judge nobles accused of crimes in a manner where the accused will have the opportunity to defend themselves. In a case where the judge has a conflict of interest then a jury of three landed nobles of good standing will judge the case. In the event of a religious crime being committed, or where the accused is a priest, then the accused is to be tried by an Ecclesiatical Court which will consist of the elders of the church. -- Selene

Article VI - Lawmaking

  • Laws are to be made by the ruler after consultation with Sartan's Circle but new laws can be blocked by the judge if he deems them to conflict with the constitution or Sartan's teachings. -- Selene

Article VII - Landed Nobility

Article VIII - Appointments

  • The ruler, as clearly having only risen to such a position through grace of Sartan to appoint nobles to duchies and imperial regions. Dukes to appoint nobles to regions of their duchy. All else being equal, nobles of the duchy or region being appointed to are to be favoured over outsiders. -- Selene

Article IX - Feudal Hierarchy

Article X - Military Hierarchy

  • The general to make all strategic decisions to implement the decisions of the ruler and the realm. The general will be advised by a council consisting of all marshals and vice-marshals, past and present. -- Selene

Article XI - Noble Conduct

  • All nobles must follow Sartan's teachings which will primarily entail no raping, burning or pillaging - only looting of tax gold may be permitted. No noble to use foul language with each other or to personally attack another noble in public. All nobles to address strangers according to their rank and to obey and show due respect to their superiors. -- Selene

Article XII - Civil Rights