Malrauko Family

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The House of Malrauko

The Malrauko's have lived on every continent, some leaving a lasting impact, others not leaving a mark. Their home continent, from which all have spread from, is Atamara, in Maapan. Maapan is currently in the hands of Talerium but when the moved in it belonged to West Talerium. Since then, dark times have befallen the family. Malrauko means "Golden Demon" Three of them have become Generals, even if for but a few days. Two have risen to become Bankers, but one gave it up for General, and the other still holds it. One has also been the commander of three regions, including 2 cities, and also been the only one of the family to hold Judge.


Mattias is the father of Kementári, Anárion, and Elwë. He still resides in Maapan with his wife, Aredhel. He has been very long lived, as he has now seen 64 summers and his wife 60.


Kementári is the 2nd eldest son of Mattias, at the age of 31. He has a very good relationship with his father and dislikes his younger brother Anárion. He began his military career in West Talerium and fought there to the end. He came to earn the title High Marshall of West Talerium, which he held until the end, when Barony of Makar, Eston, Darka,and Talerium troops had finally, after a long siege, taken the capital. From West Talerium he went to Callaway II, where he fought against Caligan Empire. He has very strong feelings against huge realms that request help from other huge realms to help defeat tiny realms they could easily take out themselves. His ventures led him to leave Callaway II and immigrate to the New World, to try his hand at the monsters plauging his brother, Elwë. He now resides in Ossmat in the new world and proudly fights once more. He was killed in a great battle against the Undead Spider Queen in Ossmat. He was buried on Febuary 4, 2004.


Anárion is the youngest son of Mattias, at the age of 27. He doesn't get along with his father or his brother Kementári. This made him move as far away from them as he could, and he ended up in Vikland. Vikland, like his brother's West Talerium, was a small realm under attack from many large ones. When Minas Ithil finally took the capital, York, he settled down with his wife, Niniel, as a weaponsmith.


Elwë is the oldest son of Mattias, at the age of 35. He left his fathers manor at an early age, never to return. He first experimented with life on South Island but the lack of any economics disappointed him and he immigrated to the New World, where he learned of the evil monsters then marauding the continent. He began his new life in Helonon, where there was only him and the ruler as the military. After becoming Duke of Nuzanki, he started to build the fortifications to protect the capital from the monsters that were closing in around the city. He left Helonon after he was kicked out for this and began a new life again in Ossmat. He quickly raised in the rankings of the nobles and eventually found himself as Count of Gemke, which he currently is. He also had command of a battle group. When the General of Ossmat was seriously wounded in a battle against the Vampires, he was appointed as temporary General of Ossmat. After the fall of Ossmat to the monsters and undead, he wandered about for a while, until he finally joined Melhed. In Melhed he joined in a rebellion to overthrow an uncooperative ruler. After the retaking of Mhed by Melhed, he found himself as duke of it, making it the second city he has commanded. A couple days after taking command of Mhed, it rebelled against Melhed, due to the hunger of it's people. After the banker of Melhed stepped down from his position, he was appointed Banker of Melhed. A rebellion removed him from his position, but under the new government he was given the position of Executor. Another rebellion tore Melhed apart, and under the leadership he was banned, and then executed by those who were once his friends.


Anne is the cousin of the sons of Mattias, and is 19 years of age. She lived on East Continent and fights for Eleador, where when pursuing looting Oligarchians, she met the brother of an old friend of ~Kementári's from West Talerium. After becoming restless in Eleador, she immigrated to South-East Island, where she has become the General of Sandalak. She retired from a military career.


Pike is not related to the rest of the family by blood, but only by name. He is a fierce warrior upon the battlefield but follows orders to the dot. He enjoys his home and will not leave until he can no longer stand upon two legs. He enjoys being a part of a mercenary squad and not having to worry about gold or defending the homeland. He has become an infiltrator, opening up a new side to Darka's mercenary service. Pike, it seems decided to stray from what was expected of him as a respected member of Darka. In a fit of unprecidented independance and quite possibly no forsight Pike decided that an afternoon's divrersion might include the elimination of the ruler and the general from one of Darka's employers. Boredom and a sharp daggar conspired to lead this young warrior to act rashly. He didn't disobey orders, he just made his own. He was banned for this action and hopped aboard a ship headed for the Colonies, where he joined the evil Outer Tilog. After a sudden change in rulership, Pike left Outer Tilog, but not his evil ways, and joined Lukon. After returning to the infiltrator life, Pike was captured by Outer Tilog forces, and Zane the Executioner completed his job description upon Pike.


Sammael is the half brother of Mattias, and younger by far at 35 years of age. He had lost contact with his family until lately, when he joined the military in Fallangard, which is in it's last attempt at surviving. He is a harsh man, with a blazing temper. He fights fiercely, the fiercest among the family. He departed from Fallangard, and set out for the New World, where he joined Luz de Bia, a southern realm. He was banned from there unreasonably, and is now with Silantin. He returned to the East Continent, and joined Oligarch, but eventually left there for Yssaria, which had sprung up in his first home. He then emmigrated to the Colonies, but after a week disappeared, never to be seen again.

Family Fame

Total Fame - 16

  • Duke of City ~2
  • Death of Hero ~1
  • Execution ~1
  • Family Member Prestige = 10+ ~1
  • Family Member Prestige = 20+ ~1
  • Count of Rural Region ~1
  • General ~1
  • Banker ~1
  • Judge ~1
  • Family Prestige over 20 ~1
  • Ruler ~5

Don't be silly. If this was really the ship's "Self-Destruct Button", do you think they'd leave it lying around where anyone could press it? --Mogley 15 October 2005 00:00 (CEST)