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You open the musty tome. The handwritten letters are faded and in places nearly worn out. The ancient book is written in Kyrjan, the language of Valkyrja and a wider area.

Lidd'ib, the language of the slaves, is a complex and fairly useless language. However, if you wish to "negotiate" the arrival of more slaves from their native land, learning the language is a must. They hate foreigners and will kill you if you have a Kyrjan accent. Their alphabet, a useless set of complex symbols, will be discarded in favour of a simpler alphabet to aid Kyrjan learners.

a - cat
A - hate
b - bat
d - dance
e - end
E - he
f - far
g - gate
h - hat
i - in
I - iced cream
j - jail
k - kite
l - lamp
m - map
n - nap
o - owl
O - over
p - part
r - run
s - son
t - ton
u - umbrella
U - you
v - vase
w - walk
x - ks
y - glide vowel
z - zap
' - a quick pause
X! - a click, made with the full tongue
Ts! - a click, made with the front of the tongue against the front teeth
Kr! - a click, made with the sides of the tongue
'--' - the double characters are trilled (ex. 'rr')


The slaves are a backwards people. We say "He saw her" whereas they say "Saw her he".


Lidd'ib verbs come in 7 forms, ~'rr', ~ix, ~wv, ~kI, ~'gg', ~ngE, ~yt.

Noun     ~'rr'    ~ix     ~wv    ~kI    ~'gg'    ~ngE     ~yt
 li      ~tri     ~i      ~we    ~ki    ~gi      ~i       ~yTs!
 wyx     ~rI      ~xI     ~wI    ~kI    ~'gg'I   ~ngI     ~yI
 'tt'    ~'rr'    ~'ii'x  ~'zz'  ~g     ~'gg'    ~'nn'gE  ~y
 jyx     ~rE      ~ixE    ~v     ~ki    ~gi      ~        ~yTs!
 lid     ~Kr!     ~iKr!