Eston Tribune/Issue 5

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1 gold Editors: Marouane Barghouti, Andrew McKay

Printed in Massillion

Late July, 2006
Bringing you the news hot off the press

Enemies no more!

For the first time in nearly fifteen years, Eston has laid down arms against the Viking realms. King Andrew of Eston and Prime Minister Krypton the Bold have put pen to paper on an immediate cease-fire agreement, which was quickly followed by a declaration of peace. Both rulers have agreed that the promises od rulers past will be honoured, and subsequently, King Andrew released the city of Barad Riel to Norland. Once Massillion is back under the Estonite banner, the Thanatos fortress of Belegrond will be handed over to the Vikings as well. It is a sad day for Eston in a way, but at the same time, a tremendous opportunity for the northwestern realms. Now that the friendship between Eston and the Viking realms has been restored, both sides can start the process of rebuilding their realms. The reformed Estonite High Council, as well as the advisory Round Table council, have started plans to lay the foundations of a new Eston. The dishonourable rulers of the past have been ousted and exiled, ensuring that Eston shall never again break her word to anyone.

Black Duke sent to Colonies

After a trial, which has lasted for several days, The Black Duke Kahooli has been found guilty of high treason. His life was spared, however, as neither the prosecution nor the defense called for an execution. Instead, Arch Priest Christofer put the Black Duke on the first ship to the Colonies, to live in exile. This conviction is a significant symbolic victory over the rebels of Massillion. Earlier, willy fled the area, running towards Cantril. With Malor and Agnilar already brought back under the rule of King Andrew, and the takeover of Massillion City running smoothly, the end is near for the illegitimate realm of Massillion. The region of Tintar will follow shortly.