Eidulb Outskirts

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Revision as of 22:53, 28 October 2008 by Velaryon (talk | contribs)
The Townsland of Eidulb Outskirts
Eidulb Outskirts.jpg
Region Map
Controlled by the Realm of Astrum
Duchy Eidulb
Local Lord Marquis Jonus Snow
Knights Ysgarren Addonwy
Evelyn Tse Tung
Troop Centers none
Region Information
Type of Region Townsland
Location coast
Weather North Mediterranean
Population (Last Census) 758
Gold Production 575 Gold
Food Production 207 Bushels

Eidulb Outskirts (pronounced: EE-dulb out-skurts)


Native Plants and Animals

Military Culture

During the reign of the Astrum lords, history remembers the palisades that were built along the main populated area of the region. The palisades withstood many beast attacks, but during the peak of the monster invasions it has been utterly lost in the dust.


Lords who have ruled Eidulb Outskirts

  • Marchioness Freda Windwalker of Everguard - Ruled April 24, 2008 - unknown
  • Marquis Arthur Spindle of Astrum - Ruled June 26th, 2008 - July 8th
  • Marquis Justin Greystone of Astrum - Ruled July 10th, 2008 - unknown
  • Marquis Alfrigg Herschberger of Astrum - unknown - October 15th
  • Marquis Justin Greystone of Astrum - Ruled October 15th, 2008 - present

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