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Recruitment and Maintenance of Units - Part II


Morale is a measure of how happy your men are. Happier men are better fighters, so as morale decreases so does your unit's combat strength. Also, if your morale gets very low, your men will abandon you and this will hurt your honor and prestige. If they haven't been paid in a while, or if they're just really upset, they may tie you up and take your gold. Your men will get unhappy if they lose a battle, if they spend a lot of time a long way from home (your realm), or if you don't pay them for a long time (usually over 7 days). You can increase morale by paying for entertainment (but you have to be in a city for that) or by simply paying them or returning home.


Cohesion is a measure of how well your men work together. Think about summer camp: when you first get there, you don't know anybody, you're not sure who knows what they're doing and who just pretends, you don't know who's good at what, etc. A group task is difficult. But, by the end of the week, you know each other and you all get along better. A group task is much more natural and easier to accomplish. The same is true for your troops: The more they work together, the easier it will be. Just by spending time together, their cohesion will rise. It will increase more by training together, and will increase a lot during battle.


Obviously, better trained troops are better in battle. You can increase your troops experience by actively training them. This will cause equipment damage, however, so it's a trade-off. You should only train your troops when you're in a place where you can make repairs and have the money to do so. Training level will increase more in battle than in practice.


Since you get paid in bonds, and you can only convert bonds to gold in one of your realm's cities (only Foda in our case) you need to carry enough gold to pay your men and make repairs in the field. At first, this will probably be as much as you can save up as you won't get much of a tax share. So, spend money wisely. As you have a small force, training is not terribly important. You can extend the automatic payment to 7 or 8 days in your paperwork. Don't buy unnecessary paraphernalia and don't spend gold on yourself. Also, don't send gold to your family yet. There will be plenty of time for these things later, when you have more income. Also, when you're really poor (less than 40 gold or so) stop by your family's mansion. After all, they've supported your career as a soldier and want to see you succeed. They may slip you some spare gold coins to help your situation.

Units Part I | Billious's Lessons | Drake Family Page