Deschain Family

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Randall and Carla Deschain worked hard, served Semon and Lasanar well, settled down and had children. Those children ruined what probably would have been a normal and happy story.

Cleft Deschain - Dead


The oldest of the Deschain children, Cleft was charismatic, adventurous, humble and raised well to be a noble of Lasanar. Despite being good at them, politics and appearances were all just a game to Cleft. His real passion, and his reason for travelling beyond Semon, was philosophy. Convincing his cousin Copernicus to set out with him, Cleft pursued an increasingly maddening but secretive obsession with death. He meticulously recorded all his relevant observations and questions on the matter in a small leather bound journal. Cleft's complete disregard for his life on the battlefield, and his un-noble habit of drinking with his men and commoners predictably lead to a substantial popularity with the citizens of Lasanar. He was even considered a hero of the people. At the battle of Lasop, however, Cleft's recklessness got him cut down by arrows. His death was devastating news to his parents, and his cousin Copernicus found it necessary to return home from Atamara to keep the family together and tend to Cleft's funeral. In doing so, Copernicus came in possession of Cleft's journal. No account of Cleft would be complete withouth a mention of his men, the Sevens. Lacking uniforms, but all carrying a number Seven playing card on their person, the Sevens were all farmers and sons of farmers from Semon who had the same burning questions as Cleft. All but a handful gladly followed him to the same end.

Copernicus Deschain -


Copernicus is a thorough bred aristocrat true and true. Peasants are people who really should clean themselves better, war is a horribly muddy affair, and there's great shame in dressing poorly. Despite his groomed and pampered life, Copernicus has a variety of skills. Most notably, he names all of his gold coins. If ever spent, he has the uncanny ability to recognize the coin by name if he ever sees it again. Despite their extreme differences, Copernicus and his cousin Cleft were best friends. After Cleft's death, it truly was Copernicus who kept the Deschain family together. On a whim with a strange feeling of purpose, Copernicus gave Cal Deschain Cleft's leather journal. Over the course of two years, while the Deschain family recovered, Cal slowly grew mad like his brother. When the inexperienced and pudgy Cort Deschain murdered a man who should not have been murdered and was forced to flee the Far East, the Deschain family asked Copernicus to watch after him. Copernicus, always a friend to the Deschains, and feeling his future involved more wealth, happily obliged.

Cal Deschain - Knight of Semon


Ever since receiving his older brother Cleft's journal, Cal has eerily followed in the footsteps of Cleft. Obsessed with questions centering around death, Cal fails in being as secretive as his older brother. He is slightly more unhinged, although he still appears normal at a glance and puts considerable energy into converting his suicide wish into loyalty for Lasanar.

Cort Deschain


Benny Deschain _______________________________________