Delamoire Family

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Revision as of 02:35, 3 September 2020 by Tester (talk | contribs) (→‎Family Tree)

Origin of Delamoire Family

The Delamoire Family has lived in Karbala since the Dark Era, though much of the information of this era is lost after the fall of the Spider Queen Luciferase. Few records in the Delamoire family archives trace back to a woman named Nelrina Ra Moire, a Mistress within the Cult of Spiders. The records of this time indicate that in some capacity she was trusted by Luciferase, and during this period she was given lands in Karbala and so the noble line of Delamoire was established.

Nelrina married shortly thereafter to a roguish commoner named Zylem Alhriem who had gained a reputation among the commoners as dangerous sword for hire that people hired to silence political opponents.

Nelrina and Zylem were known to have three children. Their eldest was their daughter Ristarra Delamoire, who preceded the other children by five years, and was known to be clever early on and then considered mad as she aged. The middle child was Sir Coryn, and was the ideal balance between Nelrina and Zylem, charming and strong. Though, as fortune had it, Sir Coryn was killed in the Shadow King's war. The youngest child was Rys, who had all the fierceness of his parents, but also all the mischief. Rys consistently spent his time in and out of jail cells and on the run for his involvement in rebellions and idealistic criminal activity.

Family Tree

Delamoire Family Tree.jpg

Ristarra's Children

Vilaine Delamoire

Vilaine Delamoire

Vilaine is the eldest child of Ristarra Delamoire, and as his mother's condition worsened and her reputation of madness spread, Vilaine was left to raise his brother and sisters at a young age. When he was 9, Ristarra was apprehended by the medics for treatment an analysis, putting Vilaine responsible for his three sisters and two brothers. The added responsibility required Vilaine to mature much faster than most children and by his early teens Vilaine was a pessimistic and serious sort that rarely smiled.

When his mother, Ristarra, returned from the hospitals five years later when Vilaine was 14, there was a fight between the two. Vilaine, afterward, left Karbala and joined in a Knight Brotherhood under a foreign Lord of Dwilight. During his time serving under the foreign Lord, Vilaine became a Captain and quickly earned a reputation as a strong and cunning strategist. As fate would have it, however, being clever could not overcome sheer numbers.

Physical Description

Vilaine is hardened beyond his years with a strong jawline and stern brow. The right side of his face bears the scar of what appears to be claws from right ear to chin, narrowly missing the grey of the mismatched grey and green eyes. He is clean shaven with dirty blonde hair kept short and parted to the side.

The nobleman stands only 5'8" tall but has a strong physique and broad shoulders. His dress is not lavish and often consists of deep brown and forest green. He wears no jewelry or trinkets save a small pendant of a black rose around his neck. When prepared for battle he wears leather with a steel breastplate, pauldrons, and gauntlets.

A great sword with a black scabbard and matching hilt wrapped in black leather is either close by, or carried over his shoulder.

Vilaine is a man of few words and rarely smiles. He has a seriousness that exceeds his age and often indicates he's a realist and has no time for pleasantries.

Notable Achievements

Nothing at this time.

Coryn's Children

(In Progress)

Rys' Children

(In Progress)