Dazzling Book

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Type Book
Discovered By Grimoult Sitting Bull
Discovery Date 24 December 2007
Discovery Location Hamadan, East Continent
Abilities (unknown)
Current Owner (unknown)

The Dazzling Book is an item that was stolen from the library of Ardor, the creator of Yssaria. In it, plans for the creation and administration of the realm were thoroughly described. While the book was specifically for Yssaria, there is information that is useful to anyone who wants to successfully create or run a realm. The book is also said to help during battles in the lands of Yssaria.

The Dazzling Book was recovered from an undead champion, who presumably, stole the book from Ardor's library. The undead champion was located in a crypt just outside of Hamadan. The book was rediscovered by Grimoult Sitting Bull.