Ashrak Imperialist

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About Us Journal Volume: Autumn of 18 YD Archives
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Editorial Meditations Corner
"Identity of the Morek Empire - Know Thyself"

Joyful readers this article will be a different mark than the one previous (which I am sure you are thankful for). Where in last season I argued against the politics of theocratism, this season I discuss the nature of character. Every realm and every noble possesses character. Whether that character is visible or not, or developed or not, is what I’d like to address. Brief definition of character; It is personality, attitude and behaviour, preference and belief, action and inaction. These qualities compose what is called an identity. This is an important concept to consider because often I find nobles who are wayward within themselves or visit realms that are empty of any character whatsoever (read: the Raivan Outpost). These nobles and realms have no direction and no desire to form themselves into anything of quality. I find this to be saddening, wasteful, and so with this article I shall raise the issue and hope to have a broad affect.

Empire, let’s discuss the identities of Morek. In the Morek Empire I have come to know two distinct types of character. These I call Theocrats and Imperialists. The difference rests as deep as a person’s entire mentality and as shallow as their political allegiances. You will notice this too as I describe them.

Theocrats of the Empire have a perspective shaped and governed by the Astromancy faith. They hold to heritage and tradition and elevate the temple above the politick. When making decisions in their life, faith plays a large determining factor over practical sense. This is to say their decisions would side with things in line with the religion before things in line with their own personal opinion. When they see other nobles and other realms they regard them as either members of the faith or not. They fit life to the teachings of Astromancy and its laws. I consider Theocrats a conservative group in the Empire.

Imperialists of the Empire have a perspective shaped and governed by their own experiences and policies. They hold to progress, change and expansion and are steadfast to the realm over anything else. When making decisions in their life, their own reasoning plays a large determining factor over demands of uniformity. This is to say that their decisions are made by their own conscience rather than the expectations of the “majority.” When they see other nobles and other realms they regard them simply as other nobles and other realms. They fit dogmas and laws to suit their lives. I consider Imperialists a liberal group in the Empire.

Now, outlining these two characteristics of the Empire/nobles of the Empire we can begin to see the broader concept emerge of this article. Other realms and nobles outside of the Empire should begin to view their environment and themselves in this way. If we can find the Empire composed of these two identities than we can perhaps find other realms with other characters? I would like you to examine your realms and yourselves and collect your identity. Knowing who you are will have a tremendous effect on what you do and where you go. Your entire life, and the entire life of your realm, will become clear and meaningful.

The Raivan Outpost is an example of what I call a “void.” It had no purpose, no ambition, no characteristics, and no identity. It simply existed for the sake of itself and then it was conquered without much resistance. The Raivan Outpost was unworthy of its existence and we are all thankful it is no more.

Dwilight, are you worthy of your existence?

"Q&A With the Demon of Dwilight!"

1) Lady Vaynce from the Maroccidens asks: “Did you really steal gold from Fissoa?”

ME: No, it was given to me by taxes. When Grand Duke Leon Agenor asked me to distribute it back to the knights I decided to keep it instead.

2) Lord Bumblewire from Madina Island wants to know: “There has been a lot of controversy over your claim to Sallowtown. What claims do you have?”

ME: Well, first, I bought the claim from the Dragon Queen Katayanna Ogren when I landed in D'Hara in the Summer of 4 YD. After that I was given the Mandate of Sallowtown to rule the region as the incarnate Prince of Sallow. This was given to me by the Great Dragon Sallow himself. Then, I reconfirmed my claim with the Dragon King Cenarious Stormrage by supporting his rebellion against the Old Bat Katayanna. This occurred in the Spring of 5 YD. In the Autumn of 6 YD I launched the Crusade for Sallowtown and ruled until Winter when the peasants ejected me in a fit of rage and ignorance. The Dragon King ignored a reconquest campaign and eventually I had to leave D’Hara. The stronghold was vacant ever since until the Duckface Kalince Fanath took it over in the Autumn of 17 YD.

I still assert my claims over the stronghold but have not found a practical solution to the issue: except challenging the current Duke to a duel! I always said if I lost I would hand the claims over, but if I win they must respect my authority over the region.

3) A Prophet from the Mimer Peninsula wonders: “Are you really possessed by a demon or are you just crazy?”

ME: I am most certainly possessed by a demon but who the demon is, what it wants with me, and how it operates is largely a complicated mystery. I have developed many theories over the years as to what it is and where it came from but I have yet to find certainty in any of my findings. There is no way to rid it from my Soul. I shall exist in a torn state of demoniac and man until death claims me. If you wish to hear my theories please write me in private.


You too can ask the Demon a question! Simply send a request to the estate of Lord Bowie Ironsides, Ashrak, Morek Empire.

The Morek Empire The Fundamentals of Mysticism
"Spotlight on Shomrak"

Two seasons ago I spoke about the different zones of the Empire; the East, the West and the Frontier. At the time I had few words to say about the region of Shomrak, in fact I outright insulted it! I quote, “…Shomrak is largely undeveloped and dim from any culture or society….” That was then and this is now. Feast your eyes on the debutante of the Empire! I proudly introduce you to the newest beauty of the Frontier: Shomrak! By the care and effort of the lovely Countess Abbigal Pike Shomrak has turned from a forgettable pastureland to a region brimming with character and life.

Situated in the Unterlands of High Toprak, Shomrak is now one of the leading producers of grains to the Empire and is known for its fruit juices (apple and grape are most popular). Shomrak experiences the duality of simple pasture living and harsh frontier life. Monsters and Undead attracted to the Empire frequently begin their incursions in Shomrak. The peasantry is largely farmers, herders, traders and artisans. The people are described to be neighbourly and cheerful, even in times of suffering. They often hold community feasts to which every one contributes a dish. I encourage you to visit them during their festival season so that you too can partake in the eating and joy. They will never refuse a nobleman!

The region itself is separated into three estates. Each of the estates covers one third of the pastureland. On account of the region’s deep faith to the Bloodstars the land division reflects the attributes of the Stars. There are the estates for the Maddening, the Auspicious and the Austere. The Countess’ estate is in the Austere. While there is much to be developed, the region of Shomrak has earned its place among one of the finest places to visit in the Empire.

With the growth of Shomrak, the Frontier is now one of the most unique and attractive places in the Morek Empire. The Frontier is distinct from its ducal neighbours and firm in its place at the head of expansion.

The Demon of Dwilight Has Spoken!