Serpentis Family/Erik Eyolf/The Ultimate Guide

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The Ultimate Guide to a Successful Duke

Old. We are old. Is common in humans suffering from the ills of age and even the elves will be slower than the young ones. It’s very likely that I have dealt with my last tournament and my last duels at high level, although I maintain my proud to solve some personal confrontations with the sword. With time it’s hard to travel and lead our armies. It's hard to be old with a glorious past full of good memories.

As we can no longer march with the armies, we won the right to sponsor. Because we started as mere Knights who had enough ambition to climb the hierarchy, we have earned the right to appoint our Lords on certain occasions. Some people assume that we became rich, fat and lazy sitting in our splendid cities doing nothing: this is sometimes true. Just as some humans lose their sight and hearing with age, among the Dukes we have a syndrome that makes them mute. Mute like a stone. Mute like an old useless door.

As you can see, we have many duties: armies, taxes and the control of our regions and our treasure. However there is one essential factor: the Council. A Duke who is not prepared or cannot take care of our affairs is practically useless. Anyone with some skill and who has been Lord can take care of administrative matters. But not everyone is prepared for the Council and to decide the best ways for our Republic. That will always be my first consideration when voting for a new Duke.

While I was almost a permanent part of our Council since I became Judge for the first time, I helped in some cleanings. We had some careless Dukes who were removed from the position, some were good administrators, some were good at other times, but then completely lost any connection with our current reality. And unfortunately some had to make big mistakes to cause some reaction. The usual excuse? Tradition.

I have not relied on any tradition. I had to fight, threaten and growl to win my position. Why? Because I didn’t expect to be an old lazy elf waiting for the recognition of a bunch of silent elders. I fought hard to never need their recognition. This is what happens when you have absolute certainty of your ability: when they impose a challenge, you pass over them. Especially when you're right that is for the sake of your realm and when you've met some of those mute people before. When the situation complicated, they wanted to give my position to an old ruler, as if his position already as Duke was not enough for him. Then, learn this lesson: you can be spectacular, but if for some reason they don’t like you as many don’t like me, you will not get a position inside the Council.

But if you reach the position, remember this: It’s no dishonor in admitting you are too old to be an active member of our Council. I would not like to be among them in the next ten years just because my name was famous and because in a distant past I did a good job. Do you know where they would be better? In a museum.

In summary, a Duke may be a good or a bad administrator... but if he’s useless to the Council, he’s useless for the political life of Sirion. Maybe some of them are attached to the title. Maybe they haven’t learned to start a family and make heirs. Who knows!? Knights and Lords have the right and duty to demand that the top of our hierarchy works. If the basis works and the only problem is the top, it’s quite easy to solve this problem. A Judge has the power and don’t fear the claims of an old Duke. Yes, they mysteriously back to speak in these situations when we are about to kick them to choose someone more responsible.
