Sanguis Astroism/Decrees and Declarations/Declaration against Political Favoritism

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Letter from Turin Erickson Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (28 recipients) - 8 hours, 42 minutes ago


In the past a complaint was raised that as Consul Helm showed political favoritism. The council generally agreed that this was a valid complaint however as he lost reelection for council we saw no need for further reprimand.

Let this be a reminder that the Consul should stand for their constituents and their constituents include all of the lay faithful, not just those of their realm or faction.

Turin Erickson Viscount of Kybcyell Priest of Sanguis Astroism Light of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Obelix Pilesar Message sent to all priests of Sanguis Astroism (4 recipients) - 9 days, 14 hours, 57 minutes ago

Brother Adam, Helm has lost his consul position to Lielith. It has been decided that he is guilty but further punishment is not necessary considering his loss of position. He performed poorly and lost his position.

Obelix Pilesar Ambassador of Tol Goldora Knight of Uppervia Priest of Sanguis Astroism Light of Sanguis Astroism

Request from Adam Kabrinski Message sent to all full members of Sanguis Astroism (30 recipients) - 18 days, 10 hours, 54 minutes ago

Lights of Sanguis Astroism,

To relate my accusations against Helm more clearly I will reference the Charter and why I think Helm should be removed as Consul.


Article III: Consuls, and Consul Elections

III. The Consuls are Lay members of the church (Non Priests) who are elected by the Lay members of the church. The duty of the office of the Consuls is to represent the desires and needs of the Lay membership of the Church, to the Elder Council, regardless of nationality or politics or ecclesiastical authority.


The important part is the last bit. Regardless of nationality or politics. Helm is incapable of removing himself from nationality or politics. That much should be obvious. Helm also regularly defends the actions of realms who are opposed to the church and have done physical damage to the church. Just count the temples and followers of Avernus and Westgard and you will see the losses. Helm cares more for his nationality and his political allies than he does for the church. That is wholeheartedly against what a Consul is supposed to be.


Article IV: Lights, and Elections for Lights

IV. The Lights of the Church are Priests who are elevated to that rank upon election by the Priests of the church. They represent the Priestly authority of the Church to the Elder Council. Lights are the guardians of the charter. Only the Lights can amend the charter with changes approved by the Elder Council. If an elder does not obey the charter, then the Lights can demote them down to any rank and initiate proceedings for a replacement. Any church member can petition a Light about infringement of the charter. Any church member may ask the Lights about a change in their rank. The Lights are there to keep the Elder Council honest, stop usurpers from seizing power, and stop malicious attacks on the church from within. In their role as guardians of the church, if two or more Lights agree that a church member is acting as an enemy of the church or trying to subvert the church from within, then the Lights have the power to discipline that member to any extent they think necessary.


The Lights are the Guardians of the charter. The Lights are there to keep the Elder Council honest... Helm has been blatantly dishonest and misleading. As a full member of the church I petition the Lights to make a judgement on Helm. He is going against his mandate as a Consul and it is your duty to keep him honest.

Adam Kabrinski Knight of Flowrestown Priest of Sanguis Astroism Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism