Madina (Realm)/Tavern

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You walk into the Tavern and go by unnoticed; the men are fully concentrated on their game of Joker, and you decide not to disturb them. You sit down at the bar and order a pint. After observing the bunch from your seat, an old fishermen pushes you to draw your attention.

Aye, stranger! What are ye doin' here? Are ye looking for Abbot? He's not that hard to find, he's the loudest of the bunch! Look at them, wastin all their gold 'n jewels on a stupid game! Ah well, it's their gold ain't it?

The man laughs, gargles, and spits a big green one right on the bar in front of you; he then changes his tone. Somewhat confused, you eventually decide to listen to what the old man has to say.

Let me tell you a secret, ye ever heard of the expedition? The journey west? No one here speaks about it, but what the heck; it's not that they'll hear us anyway!

The Expedition

Not long ago Abbot and his closest bunch o' men decided to go on a small advanced expedition on foot. They journeyed west for many, many weeks. It took long before they returned, and everyone in town was worried. Then upon a day, Abbot returned, all on his own with no men at his side. No one ever knew what happened; Abbot never spoke about it ever since. But some people claim that he revealed some of it in his restless sleeps. Aye yes, Abbot never slept again like before - it takes at least a gallon to get him to sleep like a normal man of his age nowadays!

The man starts laughing again and orders a drink for you.

Anyway, these men claim to have heard Abbot mumble about a great flying beast with breath of fire and wings larger than sails. They think the beast slew all of his men and scared our great captain out of those ol' boots of his! Whatever happened, it must have been a nightmare...

When you finish your drink, the man changes his subject and starts offering you more; eventually, you decide to leave the Tavern and look for a place to sleep

Find yourself a Room

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