Madina (Realm)/Library/book2/book2a/book2b/book2c

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There weren’t many who could or had time to listen, but as I was wounded I had. The song was beautiful but on the other hand it sounded strange. What did he meant with ‘For my daughters blood’. When I looked over the sea I was the trade fleet far at the horizon. They managed to get away, but we were drifting towards some cliffs North of our position.

Pooch and Richsna were loosing their fight when I looked, suddenly a man with a large cleaver jumped forward and took Richsna by surprise. His shoulder was split upon by the sword and made his way all down to his chest. The Commander was dead before his head touched the ground. Then time stood still, the wind laid down and I couldn’t see any small wave in the sea. Not even far at the horizon. It went dark, not like the time when the sun was down but more like an eclipse. When the gods were mad ad us and made us live in the dark for a few hours or minutes.

I looked up and I saw two an enormous tentacles blocking the sun….nobody said a word, no swords met steel, no arrow was fired, no talking, not even a whisper.

Then the two large tentacles smashed down on our front and mid decks killing a large portion of the boarding party. I and the Commodore managed to crab a hold on something but the 2 other officers at the upper deck were launched. One flew right over our ship and smacked against the side of the large cruiser, other went over the cruiser and landed behind it in the water. Some men started throwing spears and harpoons towards this large creature.

What is that thing Commodore, I replied “a Kraken, The Kraken.” Suddenly there were numerous smaller tentacles shooting up from the water and started picking of men from the decks of the sinking ship. I saw Pooch, he was wounded and he could move when suddenly a tentacle took him up. “HODE NOOOOO” I screamed, the old captain was calm and all he said was “flee you fool, FLEE”. Then I saw him disappear in the beasts beak. Eaten, like the others. Together with Commodore Hekfar I jumped over the side and started to swim. My wound was bleeding and the pain was excruciating but I had to swim if I wanted to live.

I saw the two large tentacles of the Kraken smash down on the Cruiser ‘Steady in calm waters’. It started to pick of men with his smaller tentacles, then I passed out, all went black. I woke up at a small rocky Island and I saw Hekfar crying, then I passed out again. My wound got infected and I staid in this condition for 2 weeks. A few minutes of seeing clear, eating and drinking from the stranded food and water barrels from the sunken ships, then I passed out again.

When I opened my eyes I was in a bed, a nurse came in and tended to my wound. She tolled me a ship from the settlement found us and took me and the Commodore back. She said I was sleeping 3 days straight until now. I asked where Hekfar was and she looked to me in pity. I later found out Hekfar killed himself, jumped from the highest cliffs. I never knew why until I found my way back to the old lands with a new trade fleet. It is custom for the highest ranking officer to visit all the families of officers passed away at sea, so I did. One of the younger officers was a orphan, but when he became 18 he inherited a fortune from his folks. The banker gave me a small back of golden coins of which I could life for years. The families of Pooch and Commander Richsna and Captain Hode thanked me and I spent the night there. The last family I went to was that of Commodore Hekfar. The man was arrogant, a wimp, he didn’t even fight, didn’t even die at sea. Still I wanted to pay my respect to the family.

When I found their mansion they were already mourning, not only for the loss of Hekfar but also for his 15 year old daughter. She was playing in a small sailing boot with her younger brother when suddenly a large arm took her around the waste and dragged her into the sea, she was never seen again. At least that is what the younger boy tolled me. I tolled him the story I had to tell. About the journey, the fights with the crew, the new lands, the large battle and of course of The Kraken. The same beast who took his sister.

The boy looked at me with tears in his eyes after he heard about the true faith of his father. He turned around and run of.

It lurks in the deepest of the big blue, it sleeps in the most remote parts. It rests there were not even the light dares to shine, even if it could.

The Quest