Lightstar Family/Xarnelf/Roleplay 25

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Dual Ailments

Xarutek watched as the young knight moved out for Larmebsi with his troops. No doubt Xarnelf was heading back to Arcaea to resume his futile quest for Arella. The Aenil sighed and shook his head in annoyance. He truly did not wish to inflict harm on any of the children of clay, but rules were rules.

Naïve twit!
So be it.
He chose not to heed my words of warning;
Now the full price shall be paid in mourning....

After travelling on the road for several hours, Xarnelf began to feel a slight pain in his forehead. The headache seemed at first to be nothing major, perhaps the results of too much stress over the past week of searching. The knight paid it no heed and continued on with his men behind him. He would not allow a little throbbing annoyance to stop him from his goal.

As the young noble proceeded towards Larmebsi, the ache only worsened steadily. Xarnelf started shaking his head in an attempt to clear away the discomfort, but it was to no avail. Suddenly, his legs felt weak and unresponsive, causing him to stumble a couple times.

Captain Feralgem finally noticed his friend's distress and called a halt. Moving up to the troop leader's side, Urjintah caught him by the arms as he wobbled again, almost falling this time. The captain frowned in worry. "Xarne, what is the matter?"

"P-pain..head hurts..don't know...why..have to sit..down...dizzy.." the knight mumbled as he held his head in his right hand with his left hand lightly holding on to Urjintah's stabilizing arm.

Turning around, the captain yelled, "Arvutiel!" down the line. "Get the healer up here, now!"

The agony felt unbearable now, threatening to send the young noble into unconsciousness. As the old healer rushed up to see what the commotion was all about, Xarnelf's affliction doubled in intensity with a sudden paroxysm, and he knew no more as the darkness took him, falling limply in Captain Feralgem's grasp.

"How serious is it, Arvutiel?" the captain asked the healer.

"Weel, Aye canna tale ye howe behd 'tis righ naow. 'Tis nay lyke ainyting Aye hae e'er sen befour. 'Twell bey aie guud ideya ta muve beck ta tha ceetay."

"Very well." Urjintah Feralgem looked down in concern at his friend lying fretfully on the stretcher before moving away to inform the Farsighters of the change of plans.

At the same time that Xarnelf fell stricken with his ailment, his father Vehc also collapsed unexpectedly at the Lightstar estate in the region of Idapur. Servants who witnessed his fall ran hurriedly to call the healers.