Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/August '07/Thrydwulf Convserses with Hannibal/Part 8

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All in the Name of Progress

(Hannibal tries to convince Thrydwulf that their attacks will be for the good of humanity)

Report from Hannibal
"I do not handle the politics for my realm."

That will not excuse you from your duty to the people of your realm--or the people outside it in this case. You can do something about it, but you can choose not to.

"what is the role of a General"

To lead, inspire and ultimately protect that which you hold sacred. It can be your Queen, or your Land, or both be one and the same. But admit this, sometimes, Monarchs do not act in the better interests of the land and her peoples...

"I tend to find that the older members of "society" usually get stuck in their ways."

And when this happens at large, the undead come and "shake things around." Someone has to jump-start mankind's progress...right?

"since becoming High Marshall of Heen, and you are almost right - it was lack of numbers."

It will only be the first of many if you insist in fighting us. We have defeated some of the greatest minds, and have the best humanity has to offer already in our service...

"assuming the monsters would come."

If they had come, they would have been cut down as well. You would have lost, either way, the battle was finished before it started. We promised Valhalla we would destroy everything but his city to make a point, and that if his men+allies ever came out on the field, they'd be destroyed. We speak truth.

"Most days we get reports of how the public are fleeing in panic due to the appearance of undead/monsters in our regions."

That is the key, in your regions...your realm does not constitute the majority--or the paradigm--of humanity. Most humans are with us, take a look around. Old Ghrenk pledged her allegiance today, so did Ashborn. Only a handful of realms lead by insecure rulers seeking self preservation have not joined us...the weak will be crushed...it is the way of life when things get tough.

"One of the most important things in war is knowing your enemy. Are you stronger than the monsters when it comes to fighting the Daimons?"

We are stronger against everyone and everything--period. The only other party that rivals our own power are the living. Our strength lies in your own. We cannot succeed without strong and powerful humans doing what they do best...the living and the undead have a pact, each lead their respective homes. However, in times like these, our fates being tied as one, must work openly together to thwart a threat that jeapordizes how things are: the status qou. Do not waste your youth trying to enslave mankind to the powers against us, invest it in a promising future to ensure that mankind remains the uncontested champion of the living...and thus, ensuring we remain the uncontested champions of the darkness below that will always eye mankind greedily, and hungrily. The Achilles of the undead...
