Elementalis/Test/Elements History

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This page uses present-tense language to describe one or more realms, people, events, features, or other items of game-related content that do not yet exist, and may never exist, at least in the form described. It is, at present, a work of fiction written with the hope that it will become true.

History of the Elements

An Apprentice of an Element will be required to learn the history of their particular element and take the First Grade Test in order to become a 'Study Maker,' the Journeyman rank.

The First Grade Test will be based off of this information, Element specific.

Air Element

History of the Air Element, its Sages and Schools.

The Air Element has proven to be a difficult and dangerous element to study. In the beginning, Sage Sheerrun Taph believed that air was the source of all life. He examined the methods in which air would enter in and out of the body and believed it to be an ambivalent element. He noted that the air that entered in the nostrils was not the same as the air that exited, the difference being a change in temperature. By this he created the first tenant of the study of the Air Element: Air that enters is not the Air that exits. His pupil and greatest successor, Sage Bundula, developed the Theory of Circulation. She took Sage Sheerrun’s tenant and further noticed that the air that enters, exits some time later.

Other early Air Elementalis took the study in different directions, most agreeing with the early thought that air was the source of all life. Sage Woismusth attempted unsuccessfully to revive his dead cat by using a large fan and a pump. His attempt was taken to be the first in the practice of Air Revivification, a school of thought which would later become popular in the Kazakh Peninsula.

One other Air Elementalis began to think that the Air Element could be used to allow the user to fly, and after a series of unsuccessful attempts, fell to his death from the roof of his tower. Following his studies, Sage Dedalorr began to mix the idea of transportation using air and alchemy and created the first Levitation Elixir. He was praised for his discovery by the Elementalis Society, but was feared terribly by the peasants. After a dramatic confrontation, the peasants lynch mobbed him and burned him at the stake. His findings were lost in a great fire.

After the legitimization of Elementalis, two cooperating schools of learning were developed to study the Air Element. Sage Elima and Sage Jorinda created the School of Great Heights to further study the Theory of Transportation By Means of the Air Element, and Sage Zisander created the School of Esoteric Respiration to further develop the Theory of Air Revivification.

Water Element

History of the Water Element, its Sages and Schools.

The Water Element is one of the oldest to be studied by Man, along with the Earth Element. It was originally never thought to be an Element due to its wide use and easy access. The ancients recognized many properties in it, but took it to be a product rather than an element on its own.

The first to realize its importance was Sage Cer. She noted that water was able to change the other elements of fire and earth by contact. If water was placed on fire, the water would first remove the fire and create steam or smoke. If water was placed on earth, it would separate the hard ground creating mud and in some places quick sand. She then continued her study and learned that water was indeed its own Element. By this, she was able to determine the effects of water in many situations, noting its ability to take the forms of its containers, its ability to unite with the elements it came into contact with. This last theory became known as the Theory of Water’s Union with all Elements. She said that somehow water was a vital Element and coined the term this Element is popularly known by, the Transformer of Elements. First transforming itself; becoming air, becoming ice, and becoming its prime form, liquid, depending on its contact with other elements. Second transforming the other elements; wetting the Earth, taming the Fire and escaping from the Air. This theory is still being pursued by Water Elementalis today.

Another formative Sage was Sage Grazzill of Castle Ubent. He was very influential in the politics of the day, and his efforts made the study of the Elements acceptable, as well as making the Water Element one of the most popular. His fame was made by being the first man to swim from Perdan Mines to Venas, and he attributed his success to the study of the Water Element. It became the fashion of the day to be a Water Elementalis, and many prominent figures joined the Elementalis Society to share in his fame, though most of the time they were students in name only. He developed a fortune by promoting his stunt, and built a massive manor on the shores of Al Amarah, claiming it was to be the launch base for his next swim. This time to another continent. He never attempted that feat, and remained a celebrity in Al Amarah until he drowned in the Sirion River. There are mysterious circumstances attributed to his death, but too much is unknown to solve the mystery. Aside from his cultural impact and his stunt which gave the Elementalis Society wide approval, Sage Grazzill gave no intellectual development to the Water Element.

Once Elementalis became legitimate, two schools were created for its direction. The first was built by Sage Meyantee to study the purifying properties of the Water Element. It was here that Master Quanvidas preached the Principles of Hygiene, which became a practice to a few cult followers. The second school was by Sage Nuntep and used for the ritual uses of Water for Elementalis practices.

Fire Element

History of the Fire Element, its Sages and Schools.

The Fire Element was first practiced by Sage Onophraeon, near the Springs of Evora. His goal was to learn how to harness the fire element as a tool for purification. He felt that as fire was ‘untouchable’ it was the cleanest element and thus was best suited in use to purify objects and person before contact with the gods. Though his approach was for arcane purposes, this aspect of the Fire Element has remained a central part of studying the Fire Element for all users.

A contemporary of Sage Onophraeon was Sage Claridon. The legend states that Sage Claridon was instructed by a salamander as to the correct practices and uses of the Fire Element. Claridon learned how to create fire from other elements, to direct the flow of fire, to increase, decrease and maintain the degree of heat, and how to eradicate fire at any size. The safety practices of Fire Handlers are attributed to Claridon and the Salamander.

Many years later, another young Elementalis discovered how to invoke the Fire Element using a special incantation. This young man practiced in the Mines of Isadril until he was able to invoke fire by using a single syllable. Much information on this man was lost through time and the many wars of the East Continent. His name, the magic syllable and a great deal of the incantation have disappeared from all memory and are eagerly sought after by certain Elementalis. The half of the incantation still remaining is this: “…then spring forth fire!” It is not known to which part of the incantation this belongs, how long the incantation actually is, or if it requires special vocals to use (as in song, or repetition etc,).

When Elementalis became a legitimate practice, schools were developed to further study the Fire Element. The first school was created by Sage Poseias of Krimml. Its aim was to use the Fire Element for ritual practices and followed the traditional teachings of Sage Onophraeon. The second school was created three years after the first by Sage Troipides of Sir Temple. Its goal was to further study the practical use of the Fire Element, as passed down through the teachings of Sage Claridon and the Salamander. The third school was created the following year after disputes arose between the Elder Elementalis. Sage Vorhuz desired to further pursue the lost knowledge of the Fire Element as learned by the Young Man from the Mines. The other Elders saw no use in that pursuit and would not support his ambition. Sage Vorhuz then decided to take authority in his own hands and created the School of Hidden Heat near the Chaos Temple. This school was not officially recognized by the Elementalis Society, although disputes have never escalated beyond debates and personality clashes. Students of the Fire Element are discouraged from studying in the School of Hidden Heat, but none are ostracized, as they are free to make their own decisions.

Earth Element

History of the Earth Element, its Sages and Schools.

The Earth Element, much like the water element, has been one of the oldest to be studied by Man. In Ancient times, the Earth was worshiped for its life giving abilities and venerated for the many gifts it offered us humans. Moreover, as much as it was praised, it was also feared. The Earth has been thought to be an unpredictable Master, at times remaining placid and in other times exploding with furious anger.

The Chieftains of Tabost were the first to begin examining the Earth as an Element. They created many rituals to try to harness the life giving abilities of the Earth. They learned that the soil took part in the process of life and studied the differences in soil around their villages. They were the first horticulturalists. Developing wonderful gardens and began the farming techniques that would feed their villages throughout the seasons.

One notable Sage lived as a hermit deep inside the Astrum woods in Braga. Sage Forpot studied how trees were used by animals as habitats, and he created his house out of dry logs and leaves. This led him to theories now used in current architecture. Theories such as wall placements, support beams, proper roofing to keep out the weather, and many others used by architects are attributed to him.

The School dedicated to the Earth Element was created by Sage Yunset after the legitimization of Elementalis and studies all manners of nature, living and dead. They are well learned in botany, herbalism, basic medicines as well as practical matters such as construction, architecture, farming, irrigation etc. Earth Elementalis are both engineers and naturalists.