Brennaborg Family/Reynold the Fox

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Reynold was the fourth of seven brothers and was unlikely to inherit anything from his father Dilim. However, due to his shrewd reputation, he was appointed bailiff of Brennaford by his cousin Irmgard, who needed him to stand strong against her cousins on her mother's side. Reynold proved very capable and worked closely with the Ardast family to combat influence of Peter I of Dyzig in the Northrich Plain. Initially this required Reynold to bite his tongue, because Peter was close friends with the Count. Therefore Reynold would publicly be full of praise about Peter, while he would have secret meetings with the inluential families of the north to get them on his side.

He would later tell his grandchildren that he was actually invited by Peter to be part of the coup. Although Reynold was present at the festivities, he fled as soon as he saw Peter give the sign. When his grandchildren asked why he did not warn the Count, he explained that the coup would actually allow him to finally get rid of Peter – and so it did. During the Battle at Jonaford, Reynold lead the combined forces of the north in support of the Count and would afterwards be elevated to knight.

He earned his nickname as a cunning defender of the border region – especially when operating behind enemy lines when the keep on hill Sabadell was besieged.