Brennaborg Family/Irmgard

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Being the only child of Risfou, she inherited Brennaford. However, due to her marriage to Paulus D Luffy, she moved to Gelene and appointed her cousin Reynold the Fox as bailiff. This did not mean she turned her back on Sabadell - on the contrary: she remained heavily involved with regional politics, combatting the influence of cousins on her mother's side: the other grandchildren of Chief.

Her greatest opponent was Peter I of Dyzig. He actually gained the upper hand against his rivals and obtained control of the entire south of Sabadell. Her opposition worked out in her favor during Peter's rebellion. She remained loyal to Count Iuz Vidar Crownguard and her bailiff Reynold lead the attack from the north during the Battle at Jonaford. Being on the right side of history, Irmgard could now capitalize: she received the children of Peter I (Peter II and Susan) as her wards and used the now knighted Reynold to threaten rivals into submission.

To secure her position, she betrothed her oldest son, Lucas, to Susan of Dyzig and her two other sons to the influential Maximoff Family and Gabhann Family.