Blakeshadow Family/Rugina/Man of Mercy

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Man of Mercy

Rugina lays in her bed, dreaming.

She stands eager on the walls of city, her heart racing, its thunder pounding like the charging cavalry. The Rhythm of the war drums broke her nerve, screams in her ear drums. Deaths cold breath gathers around the siege engines each time hit strikes the wall. They were coming down. what ever infantry were left on the walls were enemy or true warriors. Rugina stood her ground, yelling orders at every friendly color and slashing at every other. Her blades were like a burning coal though ice, finding their way though leather and flesh. Blood drenched the walls like rain. Rugina kept up her dance till the special forces arrived in front of her. Who ever were attacking them didn't think it work to put steel on their infantry, but their special forces were like golems of metal. Standing like an evergreen of metal, layer upon layer. They didn't move, they glided over the stones of the walls. Rugina faced them like her enemies, give alittle space and defend, then step forward and crush their heart. The Archers gave little thought before shooting at the climbing hordes, they knew they were the few left. Tomas fired arrow after arrow at the coming forces, but these soldier were far more different then the infantry, nothing was exposed. And they completely ignored the archers, including Tomas. Tomas was about to run, when he saw A woman Covered in blood, being beaten by the horrific Soldiers, two held her on her knees as one dealt punch after punch to the small woman, who screamed at the enemy. The soldier kicked her, when she seen Tomas, her eyes begging for a way out. And Tomas drew back his bowstring, and delivered Rugina From her Nightmare. She awake kicking and screaming, trashes and tears on her bed covers, her fingers numb and bleeding.

The Next Day, She saw the man leading her unit, Captain Tomas, The man Who showed her mercy in another life.