Blakeshadow Family/Lullaby/Calm at Dawn

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Calm at Dawn

The funeral was quick, Lasting an hour. A small hour to honor him for what could be the last time in a long while, at least till a lapse of time in her hard training to come. Aramon's body was laid in a crypt that was to be sealed at the following night. Lullaby stood outside the tunnel for many minutes, surprisingly calm and resolute.

Lullaby was surprised when His servants allowed her into his estate, knowing the situation, but it still wasn't something normal for her to walk the halls alone and undisturbed. She came to his bed chambers, and glanced at the paintings on his wall. A giant warrior with a grim face stared at her, into her soul, and triggering a strong pang of sorrow. She let the tears fall from her eyes to roll down her cheeks. And after many more moments she collected herself and looked at his bed... She laid upon it for what seemed like a year to her. Pretending to be laying by his side, unsure if he was faking his slumber, or was actually sleeping peacefully by her side.

She rose when she couldn't bare staying in the room any longer, and quickly made her way to The shadow tyrants office. She scanned the room, a desk, a few book shelfs, paintings, small desks for scribes and other things. The odd thing out was a sundial in the corner of the room, by one of the smaller desks. Lullaby examined the sundial, noticing its point was facing east, as it should. Closer examining on the under side of the sundial reveled some of the objects hidden nature. Lullaby twisted the Dial in the direction she was told, and Aramon's hidden wardrobe of armors, weapons, and other important items and articles were held. The obvious things were missing, as he was buried with them, but the black dagger of the shadow tyrant was missing. Lullaby searched the room, examining everything to make sure if it was hidden deeper... but it just wasn't there. Lullaby gave a worried sigh and glanced once over one of Aramon's blades. She noticed Aramon's prize blade was there, one he showed Lullaby it a few times before, but she never once held it. He called it The Saber of Taselak; a ungodly large curved sword made of some fine steel Lullaby remembers trading while in OT. She tested it in her hands, but was not surprised when she could barely move the giant blade. She restored the blade back to the display, he fingers tracing the harp on its hilt... Maybe one day, she will collect the blade and be able to use it.

Instead, she looked to a much smaller blade, lower on the rack. A small blade sheathed in a dull beaten black scabbard. She drew the blade and held it in the sun... it was dull in color and didn't reflect any light at all. The edge didn't measure longer then her own arm, when compared to her elbow; the edge's tip didn't even reach her wrist. fairly light, it was like swinging a small stick... She tested the blade in the air, and was satisfied by the noise it made while leaving it's invisible scar in the air. Lullaby scowled, she still needed a sword to train with, but those are far easy to come by. She left the Estate around dusk, and quickly made her way to the crypt for a final farewell to his physical body. A hooded man stopped her at the entrance, one hand under his cloak; likely on his sword, and the other raised to Lullaby as if saying halt. "My lady Lullaby, it is best you not enter the crypt... something has happened with his late majesties body-"

Lullaby eyes widened "Tell me at once? Speak freely to explain what is amiss!" The Assassin soldier nodded "My lady, it seems... the body is gone."