
From BattleMaster Wiki


This is the report of Regional Claims for the Realm to be known as "Bloodstone". (these are RP, IC claims, not game mechanical claims). Additional regions may be added if Claims are presented.

First, claims are legal reasons for just ownership of a title. Anyone holding a claim has a right to the region they claim, but may be legally or factually overpowered to actual ownership.

Feudal and Secular Claims

Feudal/Secular claims are usually very strong. They are associated with political prowess and power.
Colonization: these are the lands that are claimed at the onset of the creation of a new realm. They are considered strong claims. Though there is no ownership as yet there are plans in place to take control of these regions. These regions must be rogue regions and if they are claimed by another group of colonists, then in all fairness, the group that takes control first holds the strongest claim.
Owner De facto: If you rule a region, you have a claim to it, and a very strong one. This is based on the right of private property. This claim is self evident and does not need to be mentioned.
Knight: If you are a knight of a region, you have a claim on it. The claim may very in strength. This claim is self evident and does not need to posted.
Overlord: If you are a duke, you have claim to any land within the duchy that you have not personally given in trust. The same goes for the Ruler concerning a ducal thrown. This claim is quite strong. It means to posses power of appointment of a region lord within your domain.
Appointment: If you have been appointed to a region and are not yet the lord, you have very strong claim to it. This depends on just who is appointing you based on their feudal relation to you.
Personal Nomination: If someone nominated you to a lordship, you have claim to it. These are usually very weak, but get stronger with the influence of the nominator and the number of nominations.
Elective Nomination: If you are nominated by election, you have a claim as strong as appointment. It is not likely this will ever occur.


Inheritance claims are very strong. These are held by relatives. (IC RP bonds, since the BM is not set up for familial relationships.)

All relatives receive a claim when a person abdicates or is killed. The strength of relations are as follows. If the top person is dead, you restart the list from that dead person and only proceed down the list if there is no one on the entire list of the next dead or non-existent person. For this reason distant relations do not need to be displayed (cousins, uncles, grandchildren)

Eldest child
Eldest Sibling
Eldest Bastard (adventurer, if inheritance is accepted, becomes noble)

Current regional Claims for colonization

May be revised, so keep checking back

Stage 1

Chateau Saffalore

Stage 2


Stage 3


Stage 4

Dragon Song
Dragon Roost

Stage 5


Current Members of colonization

listed alphabetically

Adrathorn Strider
Akeela Steel - Pending Shadovar approval
Augustus Caesar
Celyn Haerthorne
Katayanna Ogren
Mathias Ridder
Mikalle MacWallace
Royce Wither
Shafat Valorian - may be joining soon, we shall see
Talon De' Grif
Thalia Strongblade
Valdrix Hendrix

Current RP Claims

Chesney ~ Sir Mathias Ridder ~ I claim the dukedom of Chesney. For this is the city of my fathers birth.
Dragon Song ~ Dame Katayanna Ogren ~ I claim this by right of Faith. Ancient home of my Family ancestors.
Dragon's Roost ~ Sir Royce Wither ~ I claim this region by right of the Red Dragon that lives there. Dragon's that are befriended are great seers. I have vowed to befriend this dragon or die trying.
Odona ~ Celyn Haerthorne ~ In the deep forests of Odona there is a clearing with a sacred burial mound. Though people have not been to these lands in many generations, this mound appears to be a remnant of a past civilization. If what I have heard is true then this forest is not only significant to my family but borders on sanctity. In the moss-covered stones at the base of the faerie mound, an old man told me, there is my family name engraved. For this reason do I claim Odona as my ancestral lands.
Saffalore ~Sir Talon De'Grif ~ I remeber sitting by the fire as a child listening to my grand mother tell stories of Saffalore. The place of her birth and that of my Grand Father. Stories of the beutiful beaches and rugged cliffs that overlook the Sea. Of Visits to the city during harviest time. And the Stories of when the monsters came and killed everyone, Of the time when the very ground shook with the sound of great battles, Of the time when they were forced to leave they family estate to escape the monster hordes, famine, and desease that was rampant at the time.In the name of my family I claim Saffalore and vow to make it great as it once was.
Evenfell ~ Sir Adrathorn Strider ~ I sat alone in my cabin thinking about the the stories my father used to tell me of his homeland of Evenfell. He told me of its beauty and excitement that it held. Until a dark day arrived and Evenfell became rogue. I go now to take back my fathers homeland! By right of Ancestral home do I claim.
Nightmarch~Sir Akeela Steel~The Steel family claims Nightmarch in payment of catastrophic damages to the family bloodline by residence of the city. Instead of killing the population of Nightmarch to repay the debt of the death of Genghis Steel (adventurer) and Kezia Steel (Hero) an agreement has been reach where in the debt will be resolved by handing over the city seal and key to the eldest member of the Steel family (currently Akeela) until they so choose to release the Nightmarch from its due. The Steel family will work as protectors of the city from the Netherworld, in turn the residence will cooperate fully under penalty of death.