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In the beginning there were two lovers. This couple loved each other because they worked hand in hand. The woman was Motom and the man was Tamot. Motom was the mother of the universe; she loved to create. Tamot was the destroyer; he broke Motom's creations. Despite this, they loved each other and were content with life.

One day Motom decided to secretly make something special for Tamot to impress him. She made emotions. Until that day they only knew love for each other. After she finished she formed a gigantic ball of rock which she covered with water. She made a small piece of land that rose above the water. She called it Dwilight. She also made a large orb of fire which she placed in the sky. Then she beckoned Tamot and they stared at the fire orb drop below sea line of the horizon.

As the orb of fire, Motom called sun, went, away darkness was slowly covered the two lovers. Quickly Motom unveiled a small box containing her gifts for Tamot. On the outside of the box seven figures stood. Opening the box Tamot was shocked. He began to sense things within him. He was confused as he looked into his lover's eyes.

After the gift they both went away. Tamot wanted to destroy Dwilight, as it was his purpose in life. As he began to prepare, Motom held him back. She felt emotions of compassion towards her creation. No longer should he destroy things she created she decied - they would keep them all. She felt regret at letting him destroy her creations. As Motom re-examined Dwilight, Tamot felt angry. He felt a destructive urge as was his purpose in life. He grabbed the box in which she had given him feelings and threw it at Dwilight. Motom saw it falling and she raced after it. She caught it just before it shattered upon the ground. Then it happened.

Tamot crept behind Motom and pierced her back. Motom felt the pain, the only time she would feel it. She fell on the ground of Dwilight and summoning her last strength she turned around. She looked at Tamot and she forgave him. She was the one to blame. As Tamot looked at her he broke into tears. He never felt so lonely as when he killed his lover.

As Tamot cried beside Motom's body, he knew what must be done. He would destroy Dwilight with his lover within it. He would destroy the blame from everything he knew. As he flew through the sky to destroy it all, his tears were scattered throughout Dwilight's sky. The tears slowly started to shine and became the stars we know today.

As Tamot turned around he looked at Dwilight. What he saw made him shiver of fear. The blood from his lover had reached the box in her hands. As he watched the figures on box started to stand up and look up at him. He tried to destroy Dwilight, but his tears made him weaker. The seven figures, four females and three males, were able to stop him. Their names were:

- Gussalen, The Ice Lady (Sea, Winter, Death) (female)

- Brunhild, The Blacksmith (War, Trade, Cities, Fire) (female)

- Hadrian, The Messenger (Travel, Weather, Air) (male)

- Althalos, The Old Rock (Mountains, Farmers, Earth) (male)

- Zantorian, The Calm (Wilds, Forests, Animals) (male)

- Eleanor, The Balance (Judgment) (female)

- Rose, The Thief (Tricks, Jokes, Espionage) (female)

They worked together to stop Tamot from destroying Dwilight. They kept him, their father, on his knees as they looked at Motom, their mother. They felt anger, but Eleanor said that they could not kill him. So Brunhild suggested they would imprison him. The oldest of them, Althalos, agreed. They made a large jewel from the body of their mother in which they imprisoned their father, Tamot. Then they placed him in the sky. Today he is seen as the red stars.

Then they examined the world their mother created. Zantorian said that they should honor their mother and they agreed. They made everything we know today and they knew things were well. Dwilight would flourish and it would honor their mother. They hid themselves while they guarded their father's prison. They would make sure he never escaped.