Arcachon Annals/Arcachon Annals Book III

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Acturus led for a while with a peace settling over the realm. However, it was not long before the power went to his head and he held almost all governmental positions making himself unquestionable. This upset many of the nobles because he was quick to exile anyone who spoke against him. One such noble was Cerber DeRouen, Lord of Itomazh. Malus had left after the revolution but had not went far. When he saw the trouble his brother was getting himself into, he took advantage of the situation starting a rebellion. It is believed that Malus was responsible for Acturus; assassination during a gathering of the nobles. Malus was elected ruler once more. He admitted Lord Cerber back into Arcachon nobility and restored those titles stripped of him. All this happened about the same time as the downfall of the Highland Empire. Malus sent the armies into the mainland to try and take hold of Tuhpos. However, he stayed behind. The army was unsuccessful and upon news of this he fled the dark isle forever leaving his niece in power. She led for an even shorter time before Pontifex Octavio came to power.

Pontifex Dormondt Lankmere came to power shortly thereafter. Lechis died, leaving Dormondt as not only spiritual head of the nation but also the religion.

Search for the relics.

Arrival of the Shadow Clans.

Disappearance of Pontifex Dormondt.

Treachery of General John.

Treachery of Brom the StoryTeller.

Mad Pontifex Nicholas.

Spread of the Way.

Conflicts with Church of Sartan.

Northern Alliance.