Struthionis Family/Aepyornis

From BattleMaster Wiki

Name: Aepyornis Maximus Struthionis

Patron Bird: Elephant Bird


Aepyornis is a tall man, sporting a muscular structure toned by years of ignoble labor and a head of short, neatly kept dark hair. His strategic mind and unbending loyalty make him a reliable ally, though the man is fairly reserved and quick to pass credit for an accomplishment onto someone else.

These qualities mark him a follower, rather than a leader. In addition, an aversion to the opulent nature of nobility leads him to dress as mundanely as possible, and in many social functions he may seem unremarkable and plain.


Born in the Bakker Woods of the colonies, Aepyornis has called the Guild home for all his life. A strong friendship with Dakrus Somra led Aepyornis to pledge an oath of fealty to the man, and enter armed service in the name of the Guild.

Until being appointed Count of South Bakker by the Guild's former Shadow Tyrant, Targ'n Kybar, Aepyornis maintained a largely insignificant persona.

Relationship with the Family

Of his siblings, Aepyornis garners the most respect from the family for his obedience and sense of duty. A series of early failures in his military career, including allowing his sister to leave the Assassins Guild, led him to be ostracized to a certain degree from family affairs - his rise to Count of South Bakker, however, put him back in the family's good graces.