Old Rancagua Press/28th November 2005

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gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue N13 28th November
Printed In Oroya
The long civil war which has been raging in the north of the continent is now over! The end of hostilites comes after many years of hard fighting with the climax just a few days ago by the storming of the citadel stronghold of Karzakh.

This message sent to every one in the region by KIng Funiur says it all:

Lord Excalibur,

I accept your unconditional surrender. Nobles of all realms here, I hereby declare that this war is OVER. A great day for Rancagua, a great day for the continent.

Earlier today Pontifex Excalibur has offered me the surrender of his armed forces and I have accepted.

Nobles of the Church, as my personal promise to your Pontifex, I personally grant you safe passage to wherever you wish to go.

You can leave the continent, you can join other realms or you can return to your true home and face a trial upon your deeds, to the old Rancagua.

Whatever you will decide, nothing should prevent you from choosing one of these options.

I have won a war today and the mercy of the victor is great. Surrender and accept it as your leadership did and no harm shall be done to you.

Know though that if you still put up resistance you will be hunted and charged as war criminals.

Farewell Excalibur, I am glad that there is no more bloodshed amongst brothers.


Quoted on it personaly King Fuinru said "I am happy that this war is over. It killed far too many lives. Let us rebuild now together what we have lost."

Many me have died in this civil war, now lets hope that no more will. The last tragedy was the death of Hero Dikc. Killed whilst storming the walls of Karzakh. His death along with the deaths of tens of thousands before him have not gone invain. This is truley a remarkable day for the East Continent!