Adorned Chain Mail of Strength

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Revision as of 20:28, 10 June 2008 by Fenixarc (talk | contribs)
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Item found by the Freeman Cerebus Arc on 6/10/08.

Found on the continent of Atamara in the region of Cagil.

After hours of wandering the dark streets and catacombs of Cagil, Cerebus stumbled upon a small army of monsters. In the middle of the group, a champion stood, stronger, smarter, more evil than the rest. Cerebus fought with strength and zeal, striking the monsters down with limb severing, flesh searing blows. Their champion put up a hard fight, but finally he was bested and lay dead in his own pool of blood. On the champion's body was a shiny, strong armor. Cerebus removed it from the monster's possession and held it high into the sun to look at it, the legendary Adorned Chain Mail of Strength.