Kandurell Family/Dren

From BattleMaster Wiki



Eastern viking.jpg


"Duke Dieter,

My thanks for the pecuniary contribution to my force. I am honoured to have been appointed to the position of Marshal of the Elite Knighthood of Ethiala, and shall do my utmost to fulfil my duty.

Yours loyally,

Sir Dren Kandurell"

The big viking read the letter aloud to his bard, his voice rough and somewhat doubtful. "Pecuniary contribution? Are you sure?" he inquired.

"Certainly, sir, it is entirely appropriate."

Dren shook his head. "This marshalling business will suit me well, but the rest that goes with it is less welcome. My letter writing is not as well developed as my axe swinging." He sighed and looked over at the singer. "I'm going to need more of your help to become accustomed to the proper forms and vocabulary."

"And as always, I am here to serve." replied the bard, fluently.

"As I serve Ethiala." Dren stood up, folded the letter and handed it to a waiting messenger, who quickly departed. "Now there's some organising to be done!"